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OT WIFI problems with SP2
tegwin - 30/12/06 at 05:47 PM

Here is one for those in the IT knowhow...

I have a Dell lattitude X300 with built in intel wireless minicard...

It was working fine with service pack 1 using WEP incryption to the wirless LAN...

When I take my laptop to my girlfriends place her router does not support WEP instead it uses T-KIP.....

The only way to get T_KIP as an option on my laptop was to upgrade to SP2....

So now I cant connect to my old WEP network atall because I dont have enough signal strength even though it claims I should be able to....

I also have to practically sit ontop of my girlfriends router to get any kind of signal strength to connect....

SO here is the million dollar question....How does going from SP1 to SP2 basically kill my wifi card...I have no range and it doesnt work too well...

I did try and upgrade the wifi card driver but the latest release was in 2005 before SP2 was released....

What can i do? HELP MEEEE

RichieC - 30/12/06 at 05:52 PM

Are you getting the "limited or no connectivity" error?

If so its a well known issue which was caused by SP2 changing your ip address from 192.168XXXX.

Just google for "limited or no connectivity" for the fix.
To see what your ip address is Start>Run type CMD then ipconfig.

Hope that helps, rgds Rich

BenB - 30/12/06 at 06:02 PM

XP with wifi is fine when initially setup but if you change anything (like new network card, USB card etc etc) the whole thing goes Pete Tong. I had nothing but ball ache from my network after I changed the setup- I was using a USB dongle on my box to share the ISDN connection (my laptop already has wifi). Worked fine until I did a HD swap and accidentally put the Wifi dongle into a different USB slot. XP insisted on creating a new Wifi network but refused to give up the internet sharing connection from the first!! No amount of registry hacking would free up the internet sharing. Putting the dongle into the original slot created a 3rd wifi connection!!! Ended up using a 3rd party proxy.... PITA. At least with Linux they make it easy to hack the kernel and setup configs. Windows tries to prevent you from doing this.....
But on the upside hacking XP makes you L33T!!

tegwin - 30/12/06 at 06:03 PM

Yup, thats the problem Im having....

The patch didnt work though, still shows the same problems....

It doesnt find the WEP network even if im sat on the router!!!....pile of microsoft sh*te


RichieC - 30/12/06 at 06:08 PM

What is your IP address?

Just change it manually if it refuses to do it automatically

tegwin - 30/12/06 at 06:43 PM

Got it working on the WEP WIFI....

Did the patch and then downloaded the intel wireless controll software rather than using the microsoft one...seems to work...

Lord only knows what will happen next time I try to connect to the T-Kip,...but thats another problem for another day!

RichieC - 30/12/06 at 07:05 PM

Keep an eye on the IP adress it assigns you, you may have to assign it manually but no biggy

