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What a nightmare week!!!!
TangoMan - 28/7/07 at 03:05 PM

Travelling down the A1 on Wednesday and a young girl pulled out and drove into the side of me. Car needs a new door, sill and rear wing. Spun me around and left me the fast lane facing all the traffic rushing off the roundabout. Interesting as it was rush hour!!

I got back to work on Thursday to find one of my customers has gone bump owing over £10K.

Just to top the week off I got a call at 1am on Friday 'cos we had a break-in at work. B'stards stole 6 cars destroying two in the process as they rammed through the gates.

I was out from 1 till five looking around the lanes, as they only have minimal fuel from the factory. The police were very fast to react as they were in the area and caught one lad straight away. He wet himself and gave up further names.
I then caught one walking down a dirt track trying to get home after running out of fuel. Had to let him go as I had no proof and the police were too late getting there. They said not to restrain him but I can pick him out in an ID parade.

Looks like we have most of the cars back now but the bill will still stretch to over £30K. I spent most of Friday, after 2 hours sleep, writing statements and reports and trying to get re-secured ready for the weekend.

Police called today. One will deffo be prosecuted but the others are travellers so will be harder to pin down. SCUM!!!!

I am now doing to take on a new security company with angry dogs. This leaves us a little exposed to the law but I don't care. I would love to see a dog running back with half an arm in his mouth!!

I am trying to get addresses but the police are playing by the rules

The only good news is that I finally got my car finished again today so have been for a quick drive. I will go to Coventry in it tomorrow if the weather plays ball.

Roll on next week as I deserve an easy one!!!

omega 24 v6 - 28/7/07 at 03:17 PM


I would love to see a dog running back with half an arm in his mouth!!

LOL that's my line of thinking too. Scum like that should be beaten to death (SLOWLY).
Bad news mate I hope your weekend improves.

jollygreengiant - 28/7/07 at 04:25 PM

I feel for you mate, but on the other side you had a much better day than the truck driver on the A45 at wellingborough at about 04:45hrs on Friday morning. Unfortunately I had to drive past him 6 times. I hope the little ********** get everything thats coming to them.
My sympathies go out to his family.

Link to story

[Edited on 28/7/07 by jollygreengiant]

graememk - 28/7/07 at 05:21 PM

there are many people who are willing to sort this kind of thing out for you, for a little bit of cash.

Confused but excited. - 28/7/07 at 05:56 PM

The police cannot give you their details, however they can and will give their details to your solicitor, to enable you to pursue a civil prosecution for compensation...nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

DarrenW - 30/7/07 at 10:11 AM

Sorry to hear that Steve.

A mate of mine repairs land rovers and after having a couple of Snap on boxes getting nicked at his old place has always kept dogs. As you would expect they are very noisy when they hear / see something they arent used to. In his last place he has a Neoploitan Mastiff. Normally they are great but this one was loopy. Being a big dog it had the ability to do some damage. The freindly local copper basically said if it was left to rome around the workshop and got hold of a low life then he was open to prosecution, however if it was locked in a pen and managed to free itself and get the thief then its possible he would get away with it. This gave him 2 options - either make the pen breakable by the dog or make sure he got there first to bust the lock.

Local scrap car place takes in unruly dogs when people cant manage them anymore - no one would ever dare go in there. I think they are a good deterrent if you dont mind having some mess to clean up.

Its a shame a clumsy desk seargent couldnt leave the file open for you not to look at