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Beowulf - Suitable for under 12's?
craig1410 - 30/11/07 at 11:26 PM

There has been some controversy over the 12A rating handed out to Beowulf. I'd love to see it and wondered if anyone who has seen it would give me their opinion on whether it is suitable for kids. My kids are 14, 11 and 9 and are all pretty level headed but I don't want to freak them out if it's as rough as some have suggested.

What rating would you have given it?


CaptainJosh - 1/12/07 at 12:25 AM

I would say it isn't, but i don't know what your kids are used to.

The first half of the film has ALOT of jump scares in it, lots of loud screams that may freak your kids out ( freaked me out ) and there is quite a bit of animated gore throughout.

Just my 2 pence.


liam.mccaffrey - 1/12/07 at 02:11 AM

quite a lot of nudity too,

id have loved it at 12 but im not sure id let a 12 year old see it if they were mine

donut - 1/12/07 at 09:05 AM

I agree with the above and say that it's not for under12's as there are a few scary bits in it that make you drop your popcorn!

j30fos - 1/12/07 at 10:25 AM

I agree with the above, I watched it last wednesday, I was supprised it was a 12a there was a note on the door to the screen saying advised noone under 10 should watch this film

Amazing graphics though, especially his bit on the side lol

blueshift - 1/12/07 at 11:57 AM

I'd suggest not for the under-12s, the computer-generated jolie may be CG but she doesn't leave much to the imagination..

And there are scary monsters and graphic dismembering of people, splashing of blood etc.

craig1410 - 1/12/07 at 12:32 PM

Thanks guys, I think we'll give it a miss then. I can always catch up with it another time as I'd certainly like to see it.

As I said, my kids are pretty level headed and don't scare easily but we don't tend to expose them to anything which is potentially going to give them nightmares. My view is that kids need to be somewhat savvy but retain as much innocence as possible. In the real world it's a bit like saying, "don't go walking in the park at night" but not telling them exactly what might happen. Sometimes just watching the BBC News can be scary enough...and it's reality not fantasy!!

They have watched films which are cert 15 before but only when I have seen the film before and can distract them at any inappropriate scenes or mute the sound for the one piece of bad language which earned the film a cert 15. You know the sort of thing - I think Top Gun was a 15 when it first came out, probably due to the odd sexual reference and some bad language, oh and of course the "bedroom scene"...

Anyway, thanks for your advice, you've probably saved me from getting into trouble with my wife as she is a primary teacher and much more sensitive to this sort of thing than me.
