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New Builder Saying Hello.
KevDo - 27/1/08 at 09:26 PM

Hi All,

Well i've been very interested in building a kitcar for years but was never fully convinced i could do so.. anyway i feel the time has come!

Been looking through forums here, flicking up through page 80+ on each section the last couple of days and i've learned a lot!.. It hasn't put me off though actually i feel more confident and have a clearer vision on what and how i want to build.

I'm a Honda fan so i had an idea of what engine i wanted but i've got a JDM H22 and all the related parts i need for it. Plan to build a mid-engined RWD car with a very minimalistic chassis from scratch.

Once i have the engine in my possession i'll start designing the chassis to proper dimensions and get the ball rolling.

Anyway just saying hello!

imp paul - 27/1/08 at 09:32 PM

hi and welcome there are lots of good chaps on here hope you enjoy the site and good luck in your new build all the best man paul

Mr Whippy - 27/1/08 at 09:34 PM


flak monkey - 27/1/08 at 09:43 PM

Welcome to the nut house

coozer - 27/1/08 at 10:12 PM

Welcome, nice to see someone thinking outside the box.

Other people have done what you want to do on here so I'm convinced you'll find this place good for advice.

Good luck,

BenB - 27/1/08 at 10:13 PM


Without wanting to wee on your cheerios- do you think designing and building a new car is a good first option? Most people find building a Locost enough of a challenge!!!

Building a car is a challenge. Designing a car is a different challenge. Combining the two is a huge challenege. It depends on what you do when not surfing Locostbuilders but you're setting the bar quite high!!!

russbost - 27/1/08 at 10:27 PM


I designed & built my car without building anything else first!

OK! Point proven - I'll get me coat!

KevDo - 27/1/08 at 10:30 PM

Pretty busy place here, good to see!

Yeah Ben i know it's a major challenge. I've done a lot of welding, general car repairs, exhaust fab work, A-frames, and other relatively big constructions plus i've been working on cars and motorbikes for years on end.. tried my hand at almost everything.

My work doesn't bring too much to the equation as i'm a Gas Turbine Technician, mostly doing repair and overhaul work on components (industrial/marine and aerospace)

I've thought about buying a chassis but i like doing things myself, and one of the biggest attractions to for me to build a kit car is that feeling of knowing that you've done it all yourself. If i bought a pre-made frame and design it wouldn't be the same.

The main concern i have, and i'll openly admit to it is suspension geometry and setup.. i think that's the only thing that i haven't really dabbled with before.

Yeah it'll be a huge challenge but it'll be worth it in the end i'm sure.

Blakey_boy - 27/1/08 at 10:45 PM

Kevin as flak monkey said welcome to the nut house.

You will find a lot of good people on here willing to help with whatever advice and stuff you need.

With regards to suspension geometry and stuff try here first. (Link below)

Cheers mate


dnmalc - 27/1/08 at 10:53 PM

Another struck down with the fatal illusion of the kit car bug. Welcome to the forum. Try to go along to your local get together as you will be able to see what the threads are all about and will get to know a lot of people who are all willing to give advice.

omega 24 v6 - 27/1/08 at 11:11 PM

Welcome. Where In Scotland are you?? There are quite a few of gods chosen people on here.
You'd probably be welcome to look at anyone's motor for ideas/help.

TGR-ECOSSE - 28/1/08 at 12:00 AM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
Welcome. Where In Scotland are you?? There are quite a few of gods chosen people on here.
You'd probably be welcome to look at anyone's motor for ideas/help.

I was going to say that!! Anyway welcome KevDo its good to see another Scot

ditchlewis - 28/1/08 at 01:27 PM


As you live north of the boarder you had better design in a hard top so you can enjoy your creation, its always been raining when i've been there


[Edited on 28/1/08 by ditchlewis]

KevDo - 28/1/08 at 04:37 PM

cheers for the welcome guys.

yeah no doubt got a lot to learn and a long way to go but i'm sure i'll be able to find what i'm looking for here..

from N. Ayrshire so, yeah need something to fill the time lol.

davie h - 28/1/08 at 04:56 PM

as has been said before nice to have another scot on here
