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Boring boring boring another fuel protest
mr henderson - 2/7/08 at 08:12 AM

I wonder what they are hoping to achieve this time, apart from inconveniencing a large number of people who have absolutely no control over what is causing the problem.

How do they think that blocking various roads around the Uk is going to have the slightest effect on the spot price of light crude on NYMEX, or the price of Brent crude on the ICE?

It's all very silly, though it gives the BBC soemthing to report, and they can interview hauliers who each seem to think that they are the only ones having to pay more, and that the government could do something about it if they wanted to (neither of which is true)


donut - 2/7/08 at 08:15 AM

The only way i can see anything really being done is if everybody that drives a car...and i mean everybody in the whole world stops buying fuel.

but that aint gonna happen!

Mr Whippy - 2/7/08 at 08:17 AM

: bloody outrageous prices!! how the hell am I meant to take the kids to school in the chieftain tank now, don’t get me started on the road tax!!!

At this rate I’ll be forced to use the bus like common scum

D Beddows - 2/7/08 at 08:27 AM

At least it gives the doom and gloom brigade on Pistonheads something to moan on (and on....and on....) about

02GF74 - 2/7/08 at 08:40 AM

did I mention we're doomed?

Paul TigerB6 - 2/7/08 at 08:42 AM

Originally posted by mr henderson and that the government could do something about it if they wanted to (neither of which is true)


Seeing as the majority of the price of a litre of fuel goes to the government in their various taxes, the above is hardly true is it!!

Every time the price rises due to the increased cost of crude oil, the government rakes in extra revenue from the additional VAT paid - so the Treasury must be loving it really. If the Hauliers can at least stop the annual 2p (actually 2.35p after the VAT is added which they omit to inform you of) increase in duty that seems to happen every budget then its a success

mr henderson - 2/7/08 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by mr henderson and that the government could do something about it if they wanted to (neither of which is true)


Seeing as the majority of the price of a litre of fuel goes to the government in their various taxes, the above is hardly true is it!!

Every time the price rises due to the increased cost of crude oil, the government rakes in extra revenue from the additional VAT paid - so the Treasury must be loving it really. If the Hauliers can at least stop the annual 2p (actually 2.35p after the VAT is added which they omit to inform you of) increase in duty that seems to happen every budget then its a success

Well, the problem with that is that hauliers will all be VAT registered, and therefore able to reclaim the VAT on the fuel they use in the course of their business.


Dangle_kt - 2/7/08 at 08:50 AM

that advert is STUPIDLY BIG!

I know you have paid your money to be a trader, but if all traders had ads that size each page would be stupidly long.

You could be reasonable.

ned - 2/7/08 at 08:51 AM

If we had been paying a lower rate of tax on fuel as everyone seems to think we should be (not saying we shoudln't) over say the last 12-18 months our fuel would have effectively gone up proportionally higher because the tax hasn't changed massively so is quite stable + inflationary increase but fuel has gone up at a much faster rate and we would still be up in arms about it.

I don't think there's much can be done about it, drive more conservatively and make less journeys as much as you can. yes I know this doesn't apply to hauliers but they'll just have to put their prices up! To give a comparison, we've had teh credit crunch which has hit the banks and they've simply put their rates up to cover their risks/costs - it's not rocket science is it!

mr henderson - 2/7/08 at 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
that advert is STUPIDLY BIG!

I know you have paid your money to be a trader, but if all traders had ads that size each page would be stupidly long.

You could be reasonable.

Give me a minute! I'm much better at chassis than I am at this internet stuff. I'm trying hard to get protobucket to re-size it but everything seems to be very sluggish


Benzine - 2/7/08 at 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Dangle_kt
that advert is STUPIDLY BIG!

I know you have paid your money to be a trader, but if all traders had ads that size each page would be stupidly long.

You could be reasonable.

It looks tiny

24" monitor atm tbh

woodster - 2/7/08 at 09:16 AM

anyone with half a brain ... this goverment and mr henderson excluded .... can see that the cost of fuel and the part the tax plays in its cost is helping to drive up inflation .... but the good news is its helping to put this labour party and mr won't listen brown in the bin

mr henderson - 2/7/08 at 09:27 AM

Originally posted by woodster
anyone with half a brain ... this goverment and mr henderson excluded .... can see that the cost of fuel and the part the tax plays in its cost is helping to drive up inflation .... but the good news is its helping to put this labour party and mr won't listen brown in the bin

Well, I'm glad to see you are not including me with the people who only have half a brain (I expect they are all out riding their motorbikes )

BTW, chance of the conservatives getting in at the next election? Very low. It amazes me how the media go on about low popularity of the government, thing is, next election time the voters will have the same two choices they did last time. We will all have to wait and see, but at this point in time I would not be willing to bet very much on a change in government


Paul TigerB6 - 2/7/08 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by woodster
anyone with half a brain ... this goverment and mr henderson excluded .... can see that the cost of fuel and the part the tax plays in its cost is helping to drive up inflation

Ah but the government have ways to deal with things like this pushing up inflation............ just exclude fuel prices from the inflation figures they choose to use in future......easy. They have done it before and they will do it again - try looking at the Retail Price Index for a more true figure

woodster - 2/7/08 at 09:42 AM

Originally posted by mr henderson
Originally posted by woodster
anyone with half a brain ... this goverment and mr henderson excluded .... can see that the cost of fuel and the part the tax plays in its cost is helping to drive up inflation .... but the good news is its helping to put this labour party and mr won't listen brown in the bin

Well, I'm glad to see you are not including me with the people who only have half a brain (I expect they are all out riding their motorbikes )

BTW, chance of the conservatives getting in at the next election? Very low. It amazes me how the media go on about low popularity of the government, thing is, next election time the voters will have the same two choices they did last time. We will all have to wait and see, but at this point in time I would not be willing to bet very much on a change in government



ned - 2/7/08 at 09:55 AM

Originally posted by woodster
Originally posted by mr henderson
Originally posted by woodster
anyone with half a brain ... this goverment and mr henderson excluded ....

Well, I'm glad to see you are not including me with the people who only have half a brain (I expect they are all out riding their motorbikes )


Now, now, children...!!

Mr Whippy - 2/7/08 at 10:28 AM

Well I think I deserve a gold star for effort

Not only am I using the bus to go to work (free since I drove them and the company runs a free one too), using my mountain bike to get the shopping (despite the huge hill), using my 4-stroke 125 for where it’s to far to cycle (120+mpg & £15 for road tax ha ha ha!) and only using the Volvo to tow the odd trailer (but I’ll be selling that as it’s badly built). So put that in your pipe and smoke it

May I also mention that the girls at work are looking truly stunning today in their skimpy tops now that the suns out

Paul TigerB6 - 2/7/08 at 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
May I also mention that the girls at work are looking truly stunning today in their skimpy tops now that the suns out

Still no pics so we dont believe you!! We all know you have an over-active imagination!!

woodster - 2/7/08 at 10:48 AM

now now children

Mr Whippy - 2/7/08 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
May I also mention that the girls at work are looking truly stunning today in their skimpy tops now that the suns out

Still no pics so we dont believe you!! We all know you have an over-active imagination!!

I’ll think about it….

…na! I’ll just be greedy and keep them to myself No imagination required today have they no shame?!

woodster - 2/7/08 at 11:55 AM

in this part of the world its known as a ..... Bingo top (eyes down look in)

Dangle_kt - 2/7/08 at 12:21 PM

Sorry mate, I thought you were having a laugh!

That looks MUCH better, and it's easier to read too.

Originally posted by mr henderson
Originally posted by Dangle_kt
that advert is STUPIDLY BIG!

I know you have paid your money to be a trader, but if all traders had ads that size each page would be stupidly long.

You could be reasonable.

Give me a minute! I'm much better at chassis than I am at this internet stuff. I'm trying hard to get protobucket to re-size it but everything seems to be very sluggish


Benzine - 2/7/08 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
…na! I’ll just be greedy and keep them to myself No imagination required today have they no shame?!

pics or ban.

or at least a detailed description (estimated cup sizes, dress colours, marks out of 10 etc)

woodster - 2/7/08 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Benzine
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
…na! I’ll just be greedy and keep them to myself No imagination required today have they no shame?!

pics or ban.

or at least a detailed description (estimated cup sizes, dress colours, marks out of 10 etc)

I'd settle for a rough sketch with maybe rough measurements