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virus on comp
tjoh84 - 3/11/08 at 11:50 AM

hiya i have picked up a virus from what i thought was facebook but not i hacve tried tio restore comp i have avg and have run scan 4 times now but it cant fix the probs says i have a worm help please

omega0684 - 3/11/08 at 11:51 AM

can you not restore your comp from its last saved point, think you have to re-start you comp and then boot the restore point from DOS

meany - 3/11/08 at 11:52 AM

"google" the name of the worm, also what does AVG site say to do?

tjoh84 - 3/11/08 at 12:07 PM

i tried a restore to sep might just do it to day 1

Jon Ison - 3/11/08 at 12:08 PM

May be worth trying "one care" i think its called, online pc doctor.

Jon Ison - 3/11/08 at 12:09 PM

Found it.........

Click me

greenwood03 - 3/11/08 at 12:22 PM

depending on what the virus is it may not let you download new antivirus. if tahts the case you'll need to try and do so by starting pc in Safe mode. Otherwise 2 decent programs that may be worth checking out: malwareantivirus - free program, and can be very effective. Also, RegCure - but thats a pay job.

geoff shep - 3/11/08 at 05:28 PM

You would want to get rid of the offending item before restoring. Some virus removal routines require restore to be off. Find the name of the apparent intrusion and then look for it on a reputable site like symantec as they will most likely have a removal tool.

britishtrident - 3/11/08 at 08:05 PM

You need to start by booting into safe mode then turning system restore off before trying to clear the virus.

If you have a single user system it may help to create another admin user,
Then log out and log in as the other user,
Then set the original user to an ordinary user and manual clean out any temporary internet files for the original user name.
Down load "Hijackthis" and clear out any suspect or unwanted chages to the registry.
Only then run your antivirus software.

The Doc - 3/11/08 at 10:24 PM

I've been there!

I downloaded the virus programme AVAST which is free and excellent. This will scan your machine on bootup and give you a range of options when finding the offending files (I went for delete every time). It got the bugger out for me, where AVG and many others I tried didn't.

Download a copy of Spybot which is also free. This will take ages to scan the hard drive but it was amazing how much crap it found and destroyed on my machine!

These worked for me where all else failed, but of course try these at your own risk etc. etc.

It's worth downloading a copy of 'Regcure' as well but you'll have to pay for that if you want it to repair as well as scan. This tidys up all the crap left behind after uninstalling programs etc.

If you are in any doubt have an 'expert' look at your machine. I took a few chances and they paid off but it doesn't always turn out that way!

Good Luck!

Hope this helps
