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Peugeot 205 question
The Doc - 3/11/08 at 06:52 PM

Anyone know where the main/dip relay is located on the 205 (L reg. Diesel).

I found 2 relays in the fuse tray but I suspect these relate to something else as when I pull them out the lights stay on.

I can get dip beam no problem and full beam on flash (with the stalk in the off position) but not full beam.

Could be the stalk but this happened very suddenly with no intermitent problem

Can anyone help?



johnston - 3/11/08 at 07:35 PM

Its prob your light stalk..

But think the relays are on the wee lip above the baulkhead on the pass side usually 2 green ones sit their (my old gtis anyway)

Stott - 3/11/08 at 07:52 PM

those green relays are for the fuelling, got quoted £90 each for new ones from a stealer once!!!!!!!!

All the other relays are in the fuse box above the glove box/apeture