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BEC quaife box - ideas pls
mikegsi - 24/11/10 at 08:51 PM

just after some ideas as to how people have got their reverse/drive selector when using a quaife box on a BEC?

ive got a couple of ideas but wanting to see what and how other people have theirs to help give me some inspiration!

mangogrooveworkshop - 25/11/10 at 07:00 AM

MNR do a reverse box

richardh - 25/11/10 at 07:43 AM

most have theirs so that push handle forward is in the reverse position.

some swapped that round though for reach reasons

i'd go with the mnr one

MK9R - 25/11/10 at 08:00 AM

If you are having a tunnel mounted gear change (i.e. not paddles), makesure where ever you put the reverse lever, you can't catch it when changing gear, my ST was initially like that and i kept knocking reverse into neutral as i went up the gears, very very irritating on track as you have to to stop to get it back into gear.

corrado vr6 - 25/11/10 at 10:23 AM

I shall u2u you some pics of my quaiffe box and lever tonight, should help you!

mikegsi - 25/11/10 at 08:57 PM

cool, cheers

i already have the quaife box in mine and no plans to change for the mnr one though