white smoke and poor start 2/11/24 at 12:05 PM
cheap aerostyle fuel caps - any good? 21/10/24 at 04:07 PM
upgrade/replacement for mk3 cortina master cylinder? 12/10/24 at 07:07 AM
mk1 brake drums not going on after new shoes... 2/10/24 at 04:09 PM
dzus identification, is 8mm diam a 5/16 dzus? 9/9/23 at 04:28 PM
escort steering gaiter identification o/s 49/12 and n/s is 33/12mm 9/9/23 at 04:20 PM
anyone got a really nice (but cheap) out door car cover they use? anyone built a tent type thing to cover their car? 15/7/23 at 01:47 PM
looking for advice on fixing white marks on old, sun marked, glass fibre panels please? 15/7/23 at 01:44 PM
repair, replace or upgrade mk1 escort handbrake bias axle-strap? 29/5/22 at 04:00 PM
fiesta/xflow thermostat housing not allowing water into expansion tank 12/9/20 at 02:40 PM
cheap chinese tacho not working following accusparks points conversion 12/9/20 at 02:32 PM
dash advice please - need to kick ideas about 23/6/18 at 09:32 PM
Best plug / connector for dash 16/6/18 at 06:47 PM
adding an expansion tank to my xFlow, what cap do I need? 16/6/18 at 04:51 PM
Caterham tacho loom advice/diagram please 9/6/18 at 09:25 AM
x flow distributor upgrade advice please 2/6/18 at 08:58 PM
xflow (fiesta) thermostat housing please 4/6/17 at 09:22 PM
seized brakes and clutch 4/6/17 at 01:46 PM
looking for a fiesta xflow thermostat housing 1/6/17 at 09:58 PM
cheap gauges on ebay - are they any good? 1/6/17 at 09:57 PM
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