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Petrol tax to rise to 71% in 2 weeks time
Andi - 19/3/09 at 11:09 PM

handyandy - 19/3/09 at 11:16 PM

on April FOOLS day too?????????

i don,t believe a word that the goverment say, they always find a way of backtracking what they promise.

maybe we,re the fools for putting up with the way this country is being run.
rant rant

omega0684 - 19/3/09 at 11:17 PM


austin man - 19/3/09 at 11:19 PM

The country is not being run it is being managed, rather poorly.

In the days of recession draw every penny from those that struggle the most oh and financially praise those who fail what a load of bankers

handyandy - 19/3/09 at 11:26 PM

Originally posted by austin man
The country is not being run it is being managed, rather poorly.

In the days of recession draw every penny from those that struggle the most oh and financially praise those who fail what a load of bankers

well said,

if this country was a company it would be bankrupt & cease to trade, suppose in a way thats precisely whats happening, so why do we still employ the people managing the way the country operates??????? always puzzled me that has?

Chippy - 19/3/09 at 11:36 PM

The problem is simple, too many profesional politicians. A requirement to become a politician should be that you have served at least ten years in a multi- national company, so that then you would have some idea of exactly how to manage the country, which is just basicly a BIG company. Just my two penneth. Cheers Ray

austin man - 19/3/09 at 11:57 PM

just a shame that the government arent having the worry of redundancy looming. Oh and how many of them are on the average wage ?? in the real world for most household 30k for two people working full time is the average. The workers should be rewarded not punished and made to recover the economy whilst failing big wigs each receive a working mans lifetimes wage as a bonus or pay off. As a manager if my staff gave me the results of the banks or the government I would be looking to do a mass recruitment drive cos heads would/ should have rolled.

Mr Brown and team you should be on an advisory and personal action plan the Queen should be having words.

paul the 6th - 20/3/09 at 12:12 AM

Riots & protests anyone?

I'll prepare the petrol bombs before the price increase

NigeEss - 20/3/09 at 12:30 AM

Originally posted by paul the 6th
Riots & protests anyone?

I'll prepare the petrol bombs before the price increase

When do we start ?

handyandy - 20/3/09 at 12:39 AM

Originally posted by NigeEss
Originally posted by paul the 6th
Riots & protests anyone?

I'll prepare the petrol bombs before the price increase

When do we start ?

i,m not inciting a riot but if things carry on as they are at present it wouldn,t surprise me if it happened
there is only SO much the average person in the street can / should take.

speedyxjs - 20/3/09 at 07:04 AM

Il fill my car up later, i can save some money then

jabbahutt - 20/3/09 at 07:58 AM

Well that's what happens when you allow an unelected individual to run amok.

We for once should take a leaf out of the French book on how to let our feelings be known by all staying home on the day the tax rise is introduced as an unpaid day off, imagine the lost revenue from income tax.

I know many people cannot afford this but compared to the amount you'll end up paying in extra duty it probably works out cheaper. Then we can spend all day throwing petrol bombs if we want to.

[Edited on 20/3/09 by jabbahutt]

speedyxjs - 20/3/09 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by jabbahutt
Well that's what happens when you allow an unelected individual to run amok.

We for once should take a leaf out of the French book on how to let our feelings be known by all staying home on the day the tax rise is introduced as an unpaid day off, imagine the lost revenue from income tax.

I know many people cannot afford this but compared to the amount you'll end up paying in extra duty it probably works out cheaper. Then we can spend all day throwing petrol bombs if we want to.

[Edited on 20/3/09 by jabbahutt]

I would be willing to do that but we would need to get the whole country to do it which i dont think is going to happen

Richard Quinn - 20/3/09 at 08:22 AM

Originally posted by paul the 6th
Riots & protests anyone?

I'll prepare the petrol bombs before the price increase
Would diesel bombs be any good? I believe you get more to the gallon!

Benzine - 20/3/09 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by handyandy
if this country was a company it would be bankrupt & cease to trade, suppose in a way thats precisely whats happening, so why do we still employ the people managing the way the country operates??????? always puzzled me that has?

Gordon Brown is a company, david cameron is a company, the labour party, the police , the house of lords are all companies. Literally all listed as companies, all listed on dun and bradstreets website

So when you're electring a member of parliament you're actually electing a director of a company

Googlevideo link

^Interesting video. The points he makes about the police now and, say, 50 years ago are interesting.

[Edited on 20/3/09 by Benzine]

02GF74 - 20/3/09 at 01:47 PM

eerrr let's keep this in a bit of perspective. the increase will be 2 pence per liter, petrol is 87 p per litre; les thqan 6 mounths ago it was £ 1.10.

there wre no rots then and I doubt there will be this time.

As I said before where do you think the money is coming from to fund the banks and for the reduction in VAT?

Although petrol is my biggest monthly expense even though IMO I don't do that many miles, I sitll prefer the tax to go on petro than from income tax.

paulf - 20/3/09 at 10:53 PM

Its also worth remembering that the tax on fuel was put up by 2.5 percent when Vat was reduced so as not to make fuel cheaper.The government also stated that the 2.5 % would remain after Vat was increased again , there will therefore be another rise by about 2.5 p per litre in the autumn.

Andi - 21/3/09 at 01:36 AM

I have decided to not attend the riot as the Police are getting heavy

The minigun will keep things in order

[Edited on 21/3/09 by Andi]

Ninehigh - 22/3/09 at 02:39 PM

Hold on the tax will RISE to 71%? Isn't it about 85% now?

filiperosa - 24/3/09 at 03:41 PM

To see how good this government is

filiperosa - 24/3/09 at 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
Hold on the tax will RISE to 71%? Isn't it about 85% now?

its around 65 i think

Ninehigh - 26/3/09 at 06:24 PM

Originally posted by filiperosa
Originally posted by Ninehigh
Hold on the tax will RISE to 71%? Isn't it about 85% now?

its around 65 i think

That it? So diesel actually costs about 35p a litre? Maybe we should get this information out there start a riot