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Wooo! Slippery!
David Jenkins - 16/10/10 at 09:35 PM

Went out to get an MOT for the toy car today (passed! ) and the roads were damp...

Gave it some stick to warm it up before the MOT - spun the wheels in 3rd gear at 40mph. Stood on the brakes - and the car tried to do an instant 180 degree turn...

After the MOT the roads were drier so I gave it some wellie - then realised that I was heading for a roundabout at 70mph, with an approach road that was stone-cold, wet and VERY slippy... I reckon it was the best ultra-cautious slow-down I've managed for years!

Oh, what fun...

austin man - 16/10/10 at 09:36 PM

having a run out tomorrow to Mallory 65 miles so will be a little cautious

ditchlewis - 16/10/10 at 09:59 PM

it really focuses the mind dont it . i dont go out when the roads are damp as i cant trust my right foot not to plant itself..

I had a chav in a golf GTI on my tail once ( the VW badge filled the rear view mirror) i thought the road was dry so planted the right foot and my god did it step out of line. chav thought it was very impressive, but i wont do that again


femster87 - 16/10/10 at 10:13 PM

lol, was involved in a 3 car pile up this morning with the wet roads everybody braked and lockup, was fun until the bang came and another from behind.

wilkingj - 16/10/10 at 10:13 PM

Worst of all is when you find a road with patchy damp bits, ie in the shade of a hedge etc.
This give you slippy bit when you need them least.

All of you Take Care out there. Its that time of the year.

MakeEverything - 16/10/10 at 10:26 PM

Yes, im looking forward to getting mine going again, but not looking forward to the slippery roads!

stevebubs - 16/10/10 at 10:27 PM

Originally posted by wilkingj
Worst of all is when you find a road with patchy damp bits, ie in the shade of a hedge etc.
This give you slippy bit when you need them least.

All of you Take Care out there. Its that time of the year.

It is indeed...

RazMan - 16/10/10 at 10:38 PM

Wet leaves are the worst - being an ex biker you tend to develop a sixth sense for the danger spots.

A1 - 17/10/10 at 02:40 AM

its so much better when its slippery...

pdm - 17/10/10 at 07:47 AM

watched Tiff in a Cateringvan on TV yesterday in the damp.

Don't think he'd ever look scared but he DID look a bit more interested than usual !!

Simon - 17/10/10 at 12:01 PM

Originally posted by RazMan
Wet leaves are the worst - being an ex biker you tend to develop a sixth sense for the danger spots.

Along with manhole covers, overbanding, white lines, diesel etc etc

