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Typical finished weight?
MazdaJim - 8/5/05 at 02:27 PM

This seemed like the most appropriate section to put this out of my available options.

For those that have weighed their cars, what's the typical weight for a "book-style" car? I know it will vary greatly but I just want to get an idea. I searched for the word "weight" but couldnt come up with anything.


Jon Ison - 8/5/05 at 03:06 PM

a lot depends on engine and box used, a real lightweight would start at not a lot over 400kgs up too around 700ish i would guess.

MazdaJim - 8/5/05 at 03:22 PM

Thanks. That makes me happy becuase my goal is to get at or under 1000lbs (approx 450kg.) I am going to use a suzuki 1.3 Swift GTI engine and suzuki samuri trans. I think this combo together is around 190lbs (86kg.)

smart51 - 8/5/05 at 04:32 PM

An MNR vortex with bike engine and all aluminium bits can weigh less than 400 kg. Pinto engined and sierra suspended cars with windscreens are likely to be 500 - 600 kg on the road.

andy d (rizla) - 8/5/05 at 05:49 PM

yep,my car(vortx blade) weighs 420kg without the ally bits

Hellfire - 9/5/05 at 11:26 AM

I'm always a bit sceptical when people say they have achieved under 450kg. I know people who have spent an absolute fortune on trick lightweight parts and titanium nuts and bolts in an effort to get below 450kg.

It makes me wonder if they have actually weighed their vehicle or are relying on information obtained elsewhere or are just wishful thinking

flak monkey - 9/5/05 at 11:49 AM

I think some people go on the front and rear weight split figures you get at SVA, which when added together do not actually give the total weight of the car....The figures when added up give a figure lower than the total weight. The only proper way to find out the weight of your car is go to a public weigh bridge.

Hellfire - 9/5/05 at 11:53 AM

Yeah, thats what I was getting at

David Jenkins - 9/5/05 at 12:08 PM

My car is almost totally book-standard, with a steel floor, 1600 x-flow, type 9 box and live rear axle. The all-up wet weight for this is 595kg, with the usual fluids and a full petrol tank.


JAG - 10/6/05 at 12:22 PM

My car was weighed at 560kgs at the SVA test, see my photo archive for details of the spec.

It's pretty comprehensive and includes a full windscreen.