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Hillclimb videos
skydivepaul - 24/7/06 at 10:45 PM

this video is from gurston down hillclimb.
some great footage from an awesome hill.



click the video at the top of the list

gregf27 - 25/7/06 at 12:27 AM

Thats fantastiv viewing!!
I wanna have a go!!


alister667 - 25/7/06 at 03:32 AM

Brilliant, very well produced. Some of the offs in the Gurston Trailer.wmv were pretty scary. Always the thing that got me about hillclimbs was that there are no run off areas, and the 'track' is about 1.2 car widths!
No room for error.



alister667 - 25/7/06 at 03:56 AM

Good Grief, Terry Davies 10.4sec.wmv - what in the name of all that's holy has he got under the bonnet of that Mk2 Escort???

phelpsa - 25/7/06 at 09:08 AM

I'm guessing it's a rather large V8

Anglia66 - 25/7/06 at 04:25 PM

You can hear it's a turboed 4 cylinder running nitrous,probably a Cossie.The rough running at high revs and the puff of black smoke is down to the nitrous,as well as the ballistic speed.

matt.c - 25/7/06 at 06:31 PM

Bl**dy hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just seen Chris mason's indy2000 at santa pod on the same website as the hill climb.

I cant belive how fast that thing is!!!

Shame i dont have £11000 to buy it!

The video is under the name of "westfield bike Vs honda 2000".

Shame the bike engine stalled, wanted to see if would win!


Ratters - 29/7/06 at 12:04 PM

That is good. I have to get round to watching hill climbing at some stage

Terry Davies is indeed running Cossie turbo power.