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Back from the Ring
jambojeef - 2/8/08 at 12:11 PM


Got back from a few days ringside yesterday and have to say it was thoroughly enjoyable. Met up with mates on the Sunday and then stayed on until Thursday. Weather was superb and track nice and dry most of the time.

Was getting lap times down consistently every time out and just cant wait to get out there again really.

Just wish I could have held my nerve in schwedenkreuz and flugplatz. I shed way too much speed particularly in the former and in the 528i that should be pretty much flat out I would have thought.

Missus had a go too and was impressively unperturbed by a gallardo superleggera barking past her into hatzenbach and some fool in an M3 who virtually parked on the entry into carousel deciding whether to go in it. She undertook, shoved it in the banking with foot to the floor and bounced off the rev limiter with the wheels in the air on the exit - good girl! Was convinced Id be doing a head gasket change on the 180k mile old engine after this trip but all looks well so far.

Anyone know of a black F reg MK that was there this weekend? Saw him out a few times......

Geoff Rescued attachment beemer carousel.jpg
Rescued attachment beemer carousel.jpg

McLannahan - 2/8/08 at 12:16 PM

Sigh...Must go again!

Think that everytime I read a Ring post!

matt_claydon - 2/8/08 at 12:28 PM

Originally posted by jambojeef

Anyone know of a black F reg MK that was there this weekend? Saw him out a few times......

That would be me

We were there Friday-Monday and had an amazing weekend. The new Volvo/BMW powertrain performed well apart from some minor overheating which was a pleasant surprise as I'd only properly finished the installation the day before leaving! The weather (other than Saturday night when we got drenched going back to the hotel) was just superb too.

jambojeef - 2/8/08 at 01:50 PM

Ah cool, hello

Wanted to come and say hi but managed to miss you in the car park when we we cooling down.

Thought I saw quite a lot of blue smoke from the exhaust while you were queuing at the barrier but it seemed to be fine when we saw you on track....not being funny but just thought Id let you know


Guinness - 2/8/08 at 02:52 PM

Nice one Geoff.

How many laps did you get in?

7's next year?


Ivan - 2/8/08 at 03:23 PM

Sigh - wish I could get there as cheaply as you guys can

Matt Claydon - how does the wheight before and after Pinto compare? Bet you can make the BEC guys sit up and take note.

[Edited on 2/8/08 by Ivan]

matt_claydon - 2/8/08 at 03:40 PM

Originally posted by jambojeef

Thought I saw quite a lot of blue smoke from the exhaust while you were queuing at the barrier but it seemed to be fine when we saw you on track....not being funny but just thought Id let you know


Yeah, it does that sometimes at idle, I think the turbo is a bit worn! We were trying our best to maintain a fast idle while queueing so as not so attract attention from the officials but sometimes we forgot and created something of a smokescreen!

Haven't weighed the thing yet but will hopefully find out in the next couple of weeks. I reckon it's about the same as the pinto/type9, maybe slightly less, but with double the power and potential for triple with some turbo tweaks

andybod - 2/8/08 at 04:38 PM

10 more days till i go can't wait joining the mini forum lads on there mini/retro run