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My Rod End is too floppy
RazMan - 18/4/07 at 01:29 PM

Is there such a thing as a rod end with a very stiff action? I'm thinking about using one for an adjustable mirror so it needs to be either lockable or have a very stiff action. The standard one is too floppy.

Mr Whippy - 18/4/07 at 01:30 PM

Fred W B - 18/4/07 at 01:49 PM

Not that it helps, but I once made the mistake of trying to secure a spherical bearing housing (not a rod end) into a mounting with bearing fit locktite. One drop on the ball surface and it locked solid!

How about a snoop round a camera shop to see what they do with tripods and similar camera mounts?


Fred W B

[Edited on 18/4/07 by Fred W B]

ayoungman - 18/4/07 at 02:56 PM

Hello Razman, very nice to speak to you at Detling. Liked the car as well, good to see it in the flesh. I bought a rod end from a motor sport supplier a couple of years ago. It was a very tight fit, not at all sloppy. I think it has something to do with the type of seals/construction used. I think Burtons catalogue give these details. I do know that the rod end cost £20, so was quite high specification.
cheers from Alan

RazMan - 18/4/07 at 02:57 PM

Fred, I actually considered this myself but thought that it would just make the rod end unpredictable. My other (less sophisticated) idea was to hit it with a hammer to deform it enough to create a stiff movement.

ayoungman, £20! Nice to meet you too

[Edited on 18-4-07 by RazMan]

12a RX-7 - 18/4/07 at 04:13 PM

if it's a carbon steel one you could try drilling and tapping it for a locking bolt ? or if it's a small rod end squashing it a little in big vice might tweak it enough to grip the centre ?