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2009 season race costs
ernie - 30/1/09 at 04:09 PM

I am putting together my projected costs for the coming race locost season. if there is enough interest I will put up some posts with details, and actual costs as I progress thru the year

stevebubs - 30/1/09 at 04:13 PM


P ? - 30/1/09 at 04:31 PM

what sort of costs you budgeting for ?

ernie - 30/1/09 at 04:45 PM

race entry + contribution to marshals fund, diesel to and from for transit, fuel for races, basic food & drinks and kipping in van for overnites plus unforseen as we go

lsdweb - 30/1/09 at 04:48 PM

Ernie - great idea!

Maybe those of us in different disciplines should do the same?

I'd just be wary of my wife coming on here and finding out though!



spdpug98 - 30/1/09 at 05:03 PM

I think you are very brave, when I used to race I didn't want to know what I was spending

Rob Bartley - 30/1/09 at 05:47 PM

Good idea ernie. It would be a very interesting to see how things pan out over the year coz it all adds up, i bet, it's quite a scary amount

Good luck though for the season.


ernie - 30/1/09 at 06:16 PM

this will be my 5th season, and before, costs were not a big consideration. but as things are getting a bit tight work wise I have to make sure there is enough profit at the end of each month to substain it. Over the weekend I will give some more details and breakdown

simes43 - 30/1/09 at 07:15 PM

Good idea Ernie, perhaps showing people what the true costs are will save some potential drivers investing a lot of money then finding out they cannot afford to actually race.

Sometimes you cannot ignore the facts.

I just bought a carbon Tillett, budget b"@@£@d already


[Edited on 30/1/09 by simes43]

ernie - 31/1/09 at 01:04 PM

Is there an easy way of posting a spread sheet on here?

procomp - 31/1/09 at 03:17 PM


Thats a good idea Ernie. The figure i use as one to give newcomers an idea is 4.5k - 5k Thats covering everything inc 1 or 2 unforeseen repairs. But no B&B but a tent / van accommodation.

Now has Fozzie been contacted so only those with the secret password can view this thread. I can see the divorce courts with a few race drivers going through them after this.

Cheers Matt

Simon wish i had known you where after a Tillet carbon seat. I have just removed one from the BIO car and replaced it with a moulded foam job. It's sat there doing nowt.

simes43 - 31/1/09 at 04:42 PM

Could the sheet not be added to the novice pack?

Matt - Tillett's are like rocking horse poo or £10 off list.I w aited for one to come up and bit the bullet yesterday.

Someone will have it.

alistairolsen - 31/1/09 at 07:14 PM

Id love to have a look at the sheet of costs, even if someone wanted to mail it out or w/e

ernie - 1/2/09 at 03:24 PM

first, this the very basic costs of getting to the circuit, race and come home to south London. At all venues (except Brands) it includes overnight or some, 2 nights in the van. I am anticipating competing in all rounds except Anglesey. The starting point is that the car is ready to go after the winter layoff. club membership £25 (cos I'm a wrinkley) £40 for youngsters. champ fee £75. entry to races £1755, diesel for van @25mpg £352, petrol for practice & race £177. allow £25 per day for food & drink I take lots of jammy dodgers, fruit and stove for egg & bacon. butties. put aside (overdraft) £500 for problems and possible test days as we go.

alistairolsen - 1/2/09 at 05:31 PM

theres no tyres in there?

ernie - 1/2/09 at 06:08 PM

Existing tyres are ok and will last the season, I also have a set of full treaded for wet. It is anticipated that we will be using another tyre from 2010

ernie - 26/2/09 at 07:09 PM

just had a nice pre season trackday at Brand's. Shared a garage with a nice bloke from Brighton ( is'nt it amazing, all day together and we did'nt exchange names). Very large truck next door with 3 Porches on board but still came to borrow Mole gripps! Gearbox still sounds like a bucketful of loose nuts & bolts, but car went well. Cost so far; £100 champ reg & club membership, £160 track day plus fuel £25 rolling total;- £285.00

ernie - 19/3/09 at 05:33 PM

First meeting of the season, Snetterton. Will not bore you with detail except to say thanks to TMC & Richard with welding & genny after lower wishbone parted company with chassis during practice. Costs; Wife attended so £50 for bed but no brekkies. race fuel £24, diesel £31, entry fee £235, o/s £20. running totaol now £645.00

ernie - 28/4/09 at 06:19 PM

did not attend Mallory, so a few bits for maintanance, oils, plugs, brake fluid. new footpump & torque wrench £64. entry for brands £205, race fuel £14, van fuel £5, o & s, £20 (ice cream for grandkids) running total £933. Brands did not go according to plan! so some repairs before my next meeting in June at at same track

steveiow - 30/4/09 at 06:55 PM

Great read - very interested in how these costs are adding up. I just bought car #74 from last season and hope to compete next year.

ernie - 18/5/09 at 03:31 PM

Some repair costs after a little contact at brands and ending in the shingle. rear wheel arch £35, rear brake shoes due to gravel getting into drums £15, running total £983.

ernie - 12/6/09 at 07:03 PM

Have been checking knocking in steering linkage and found chipped? cog in rack. So new rack!! At £116 inc postage, why is it so much dearer than standard rack at £40? running total now £1099. roll on Brand's

ernie - 22/6/09 at 06:42 PM

Well as Andy said a good days racing at Brands, entry fee 305, race fuel, 23, diesel 5, succumbed to bacon sarnies in canteen etc 7.. running total now £1439

[Edited on 22/6/09 by ernie]

[Edited on 22/6/09 by ernie]

ernie - 17/7/09 at 03:21 PM

Wewll a great weekend at Cadwell, weather and, all good close racing. Abit too close sometimes. Yet another bash up the rear due to a Torry Caynon sized oil slick running thru Halls bends to Charlies.
Costs;test afternoon and entry 345, race fuel 60, diesil 75, oil change on sunday 12, o & s 30. this does not include cost of caravan rental Mablethorpe from thurs to mon morn as the kids paid for it Running total £1961. Not out till Oulton now, some work to do on car which I will detail later

ernie - 28/8/09 at 05:29 PM

Just a quicki before Oulton. On my third gearbox since starting out in 2005, all from e-bay at around £30. Had a box rebuilt properly from all the remnants. £90. Also clutch was still original from same period. So new clutch assembly £80. first time at Oulton so test afternoon £155. Will add to running total after race meeting. See you all there!!!!

ernie - 6/9/09 at 07:00 PM

Oulton park update. What a luverly circuit, you need plenty of track time for 1st visit. Cost, entry £285,. diesel £90,. race and test fuel £44,. slept in van for 2 nites so spent the money on superb dinner at local gastro pub £26,. running total= £2761. Next and last outing Snetterton 20th

ernie - 7/9/09 at 05:00 PM

oh, forgot £19 for m6 toll

procomp - 8/9/09 at 07:56 AM

Hi Ernie.

£19 are you joking . A personal use van and trailer is the same as a car. Thats £4.50 or £9 both ways. Bloody French goverment. What are they doing owning all our toll roads / bridges anyhow. At least the M25 is only a small charge. but £19 on the M6 toll is outrageous.

Is it any wonder the big signs for the toll always say M6 TOLL CLEAR theres no one using it at those prices. espesialy when they over charge you by £10.

You may have gathered that the M6 toll dose infuriate me a little.

Cheers Matt

Nash - 8/9/09 at 10:09 PM

So sorry but do we have a runnin total for the 09 season or have I missed something?


MikeR - 8/9/09 at 10:33 PM

Also note - when the sign says M6 toll clear it means the M6 is *also* clear. When the sign says M6 congestion ..... it means they have congestion on the M6 and the toll is clear.

Learnt that lesson a long time ago

alistairolsen - 9/9/09 at 07:28 AM

Originally posted by ernie
running total= £2761.

With one meet to go.

Looking like my best guess of 4 for the car and the same again every season wouldnt be too far away (Im further afield than most!)

procomp - 9/9/09 at 07:38 AM


I think that at the end you will need to take Ernie's figures and see how many round he has done then multiply to achieve a full season costing.

Cheers Matt

ernie - 23/9/09 at 10:58 AM

So last meeting, entry fee 205;
race fuel 15; diesel 40; o & s 10; season total £3050 give or take 50 quid. completed 9 out of 14 races, 1 DNF, 2 test days. this was a relative cheap season with no breakdowns, or major incidents. In the last race the engine was sounding slightly off under load. So was I pleased with my performance? Since my first season 2005, my points total has constantly increased pro rata. I'm not going to win!! Racing in close proximity is a lot better than track days no matter where you finish. Did I cross the finish line each time with a big grin on my face? YOU BETCHA. Looking to next season now, new seatbelts, engine refresh, extingusher service, new nose cone. Father Christmas please be kind to me! If your reading this and thinking can I do this? YES YOU CAN. A couple of cars are for sale now and I'm sure a few more will come up in the next few months so get in there.

TimC - 23/9/09 at 11:13 AM

Originally posted by ernie
So last meeting, entry fee 205;
race fuel 15; diesel 40; o & s 10; season total £3050 give or take 50 quid. completed 9 out of 14 races, 1 DNF, 2 test days. this was a relative cheap season with no breakdowns, or major incidents. In the last race the engine was sounding slightly off under load. So was I pleased with my performance? Since my first season 2005, my points total has constantly increased pro rata. I'm not going to win!! Racing in close proximity is a lot better than track days no matter where you finish. Did I cross the finish line each time with a big grin on my face? YOU BETCHA. Looking to next season now, new seatbelts, engine refresh, extingusher service, new nose cone. Father Christmas please be kind to me! If your reading this and thinking can I do this? YES YOU CAN. A couple of cars are for sale now and I'm sure a few more will come up in the next few months so get in there.

Amen! I'm off travelling next year but already know that I'll miss the racing big time. If you think trackdays are fun, you'll almost wet yourself with excitement at your first race weekend. Its THAT good.

alistairolsen - 23/9/09 at 12:49 PM

So to do a full season, (3050/9)*14 = £4744

Add on another grand easily for me due to location and thats a cheap season lol.

Id love to do it but I suspect a series closoer to home might be easier!

ernie - 23/9/09 at 03:44 PM

your equation is not quite accurate as some of the meetings are double headers, so save on entry fees & travel exes. The Dudleys (based in Ediburgh) did a very succesful couple of seasons. But as you say its proberly about 5hrs before you reach Oulton park

ernie - 23/9/09 at 03:45 PM

Sorry , a minor mistake 10 races including 1 dnf