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Last few races in 2009: RGB vs Locost?
TimC - 8/7/09 at 10:38 AM

Hi All

I'd be interested in your considered view on my quandry. Under recently I was 100% going RGB racing next season; I love the pace, noise and technology.

However, I'm trying to balance fulfilling a promise to myself to go racing before I hit 30 (October this year) and my new-found desire to take a career break next year and go travelling while the world economy hopefully sorts itself out (I never did the gap year thing post school or Uni so this feels like my best chance pre-retirement.)

So, I'm looking to buy a car that I may then sell at the end of the season. I've sold the Striker so more-or-less have the cash burning a hole in my pocket. The considerations are:
1. Financial 'exposure' - Locost could leave me with £4-5k tied up wheras RGB leaves me with c.£7.5k sat in the garage - assuming neither car sold.
2. 'Sellability' (sorry , bit of a Bushism there) - for this reason, I wouldn't buy a 750MC kit / Bikesports as the series is on its arse.
2. Races this season. Realistically I'd make the last 3 in RGB and the last 4 in Locost.
3. Love of BECs and general indifference to the Locost design - I viewed a cracking racer this week but it looks seriously industrial compared to my outgoing Sylva.

I guess the goal is fulfil the ambition and just have as much fun as possible this side of Xmas. What would you do?


locoboy - 8/7/09 at 10:51 AM

What would i do?............

Blow the cash on girls and booze.

gib1et - 8/7/09 at 11:05 AM

I'd just pick one and get on with it before the season finishes and you lose your chance!

As far as Locost being industrial, yes it is BUT you can fix industrial things with big hammers if you bend it. Don't be too fooled though as 1 or 2mm here and there make a big difference. In addition you'll have a bigger pool of spare parts as the cars are the "same".

Come to Cadwell Park this weekend and see us, it's an amazing place.

Locost #15

will121 - 8/7/09 at 11:53 AM

are you set in wanting to do either locost or RGB? if just wanting to fulfill a desire to race what about something like MR2 racing where i believe thay even do a arive and drive race hire, may be a alternative financial option to get into last couple of races without financial capital outlay

procomp - 8/7/09 at 01:22 PM


Aha now Tim theres a little bit more info you've let out there. Like only doing the last races of THIS year. Dose it realy make sense to buy a car just for the remaining 4 races. Maybe theres the opportunity to rent or share a car in either the RGB or Locost or ( Who let the cheeky bugger in with his MR2. ^^ ) Certainly save the hassle of buying then selling and transporting etc etc. Locost has a couple of people who have been looking to rent there car out. And there is of course the team championship you could enter but not sure on the technicalities of that regarding number of races ect. Or as will121 has suggested the MR2's are all geared up for arrive and drive.

There you go a few options all without having to resort to slagging any other formula off. Maybe Phil A was having a bad day when he came out with all the usual rubbish about costs ect. I am off to tackle them about that now.

Link to comments about LOCOST on the RGB forum. LINK HERE

Cheers Matt

[Edited on 8/7/09 by procomp]

TMC Motorsport - 8/7/09 at 02:38 PM

Just to expand a little on what Matt has put above, we may well have another car available to hire out for the remaining races of this season.
Nothing is definite yet, and we'll know more next week but that might be an excellent way to try each of the championships you are interested in without committing to buying a car.
That way also you can judge things on what you enjoy most, rather than just on the recommendations of others.

MK9R - 8/7/09 at 02:46 PM

I wanted to suggest you rented matt, but didn't realise there were people doing it. I think that would be your best option!

TimC - 8/7/09 at 03:40 PM

I would be interested if it was financially viable. The only arrive-and-drives that I've seen however have been £750 per race which is frankly not value for money when I can buy a Locost for anything from £3750 (I appreciate that entry fees etc are in the £750.) The other factor is that I am in the UK up until the New Year at least so by having my own car it obviously allows some winter trackdays and testing.

If anyone has a car to rent, please get in contact soon on 07920 790539 because I want to make decsions and get my entries in.



gixermark - 10/7/09 at 09:43 AM

rent - negotiate a discount vand get out there !!

if you buy a car at 3750 - you'll no doubt spend countless hours in the garage prepping it, buying 101 little things that all add up - and potentially spend the race wk ends with your head under teh bonnet, and potentially not experience the racing that you crave..

although the rental seem slike dead money - it may be a route to getting you out in a reliable car, with known set up etc - so you can see what YOU can do................