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Race dates for 2010 Locost
SMittell - 22/12/09 at 05:48 AM

The LOCOST CHAMPIONSHIP will be contested over the following rounds:
Date Circuit Round/s
Apr 5 Castle Combe 2
Apr 24/25 Brands 2
May 29/30 Anglesey 2
Jun 19 Brands 1
Jly 10/11 Cadwell 1
Jly 31/Aug 1 Pembrey 2
Aug 28 Silverstone 1
Sep 18/19 Snetterton 2
Oct 2 Oulton 1

Seasons greetings to all.


Ian & Scott

procomp - 22/12/09 at 07:24 AM


Mmm whats the drivers thoughts on those arrangements. 3 x double headers straight of is bit OTT. Particularly with the first two in April. Better make sure the reliability is well sorted.

Cheers Matt

GMPMotorsport - 22/12/09 at 08:19 AM

The debate has already started with the Stock Hatch, you will never please everybody we have the same debate every year, someone wants more at Mallory someone wants more at thruxton and so on, we are stuck with what we have got so lets just get on and race.

TimC - 22/12/09 at 08:40 AM

Originally posted by procomp

Mmm whats the drivers thoughts on those arrangements. 3 x double headers straight of is bit OTT. Particularly with the first two in April. Better make sure the reliability is well sorted.

Cheers Matt

For someone going away at the end of May it looks perfect!

procomp - 22/12/09 at 10:02 AM

Hi Garry.

Have the Stock hatch got the same 3 x double headers strait off. It ain't so bad for mid fielders. but for those that are looking at championships it could play havoc having so many so close.

Cheers Matt

GMPMotorsport - 22/12/09 at 11:05 AM

Originally posted by procomp
Hi Garry.

Have the Stock hatch got the same 3 x double headers strait off. It ain't so bad for mid fielders. but for those that are looking at championships it could play havoc having so many so close.

Cheers Matt

Hi Matt.

March 13/14 Snetterton, April 24/25 Brands, May 29/30 Anglesey, July 10/11 Cadwell, July 31/Aug1st Pembrey Aug 29 Sailverstone Sept 18/19 Snetterton, Oct 2nd Oulton. Don't know why we are not at Mallory though?


progers - 22/12/09 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by procomp
Hi Garry.

Have the Stock hatch got the same 3 x double headers strait off. It ain't so bad for mid fielders. but for those that are looking at championships it could play havoc having so many so close.

Cheers Matt

There is 3 weeks and 5 weeks respectively between the first 3 race meets. Sounds fine to me, you must be going soft! Think yourself lucky you are not at Snett in mid march freezing your nuts off!

It is a bit front end loaded though , much like RGB was last year. Suits the guys who have a well developed car at beginning of season. As they say, can't please everyone...


TMC Motorsport - 22/12/09 at 11:46 AM

I agree with Matt to a certain degree, getting to the end of May and realising half the season has gone already is always a bit depressing, but then not starting until April gives plenty of time to get the cars reliable.
Also, the first 2 rounds being on our doorstep help!
Personally glad we're not at Mallory, always think leaving that circuit with the car in one piece classes as a good day! Just in my opinion of course.

Only disappointment for me is a single at Cadwell. Normally a good three day weekend to be had there with several beers and a bbq, just have to hope the weather holds out for a replacement at Pembrey!

Better get on with the cars now then!


[Edited on 22/12/09 by TMC Motorsport]

GMPMotorsport - 22/12/09 at 12:22 PM

Originally posted by TMC Motorsport
I agree with Matt to a certain degree, getting to the end of May and realising half the season has gone already is always a bit depressing, but then not starting until April gives plenty of time to get the cars reliable.
Also, the first 2 rounds being on our doorstep help!
Personally glad we're not at Mallory, always think leaving that circuit with the car in one piece classes as a good day! Just in my opinion of course.

Only disappointment for me is a single at Cadwell. Normally a good three day weekend to be had there with several beers and a bbq, just have to hope the weather holds out for a replacement at Pembrey!

Better get on with the cars now then!


[Edited on 22/12/09 by TMC Motorsport]

Got to admit Mallory isn't by favourite circuit but I do love Cadwell both as a circuit and it's location being 20 mile from home. I just wondered why Mallory was not on the Stock Hatch or Locost calender?

procomp - 22/12/09 at 03:10 PM


I am not so much moaning about the dates but it dose not really give a balanced season as TMC matt has said. It's never going to be a win win everyone's happy but if the majority off 60 odd registered drivers from the formula ( well locost anyhow ) are generally in agreement that they want it more spread out we will get it sorted for 2011. As i would imagine that this year will be pretty much set in stone unless we end up on a 4th or 5th revised calender again.

Cheers Matt

TMC Motorsport - 22/12/09 at 08:34 PM

Obviously the regs have been published as well, so a couple of questions to open up for discussion.

Why is the rule prohibiting brake balance adjustment by the driver still in place? If it's a cost issue, most people have remote adjusters anyway, they're just put on the other side of the cockpit or somewhere suitably out of reach. What is this regulation designed to achieve?

Similarly, but perhaps slightly more advanced, why are external sensors banned?
I know this is a cost issue, the systems can be expensive, but a vast number of cars have digi-dashes and such like anyway, so its a small step to fitting a couple of sensors to help drivers improve.

One more as well, as aluminium dampers become the norm for manufacturers rather than the advanced option, is there scope to allow ally bodied dampers in? Provided the single adjustment remains, otherwise the cost gets mighty silly.

What does everyone think? Not advocating changing the regs, just curious on views.


[Edited on 22/12/09 by TMC Motorsport]

TimC - 22/12/09 at 09:12 PM

I don't really have a view on the balance bar point.

On the other topics, and as a general mantra, everything should be done to keep the series as accessable as possible and also to take steps to ensure that those with the smallest budgets aren't at a disadvantage. This is entry level motorsport and the budgets should be considerably less than, say even club-level FF.

Therefore, the more you free-up the rule book by allowing more expensive kit, the more you hand the advantage to those who can afford to pay. By the same token, you need to consult carefully about allowing, for example aluminium dampers, as once you do, those who can afford £350 on-top of their existing budget to reduce unsprung weight will spend the cash straight away while those operating on a shoe-string may have to wait/save.

I feel really passionate about this - the sport is seriously expensive; beyond the reach of most as it is. Locost is effectively the cheapest form of sportscar racing available and long may it continue!

Richard Jenkins - 22/12/09 at 10:09 PM

Originally posted by procomp

I am not so much moaning about the dates but it dose not really give a balanced season as TMC matt has said. It's never going to be a win win everyone's happy but if the majority off 60 odd registered drivers from the formula ( well locost anyhow ) are generally in agreement that they want it more spread out we will get it sorted for 2011. As i would imagine that this year will be pretty much set in stone unless we end up on a 4th or 5th revised calender again.

Cheers Matt

This schedule isn't any different to most of the previous 4 seasons, and is better than most in respect to how quick we get to the (approx) half way point.

2 - 1 - 2 - 2 by 1 May

1 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 by 1 July

1 - 2 - 2 - 2 by 8 June

2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 by 20 June

2 - 2 - 2 - 1 by 19 June

Each year we've had 5 double headers, except 2007 when there was only 3.

I don't see what the problem is TBH

mlees91 - 23/12/09 at 10:34 PM

the only other rule change i dnt see the point in is the size of the mirror because u only use the midle mirror because you cant see out of the others when you are moving so why does it matter wht size they are

procomp - 24/12/09 at 10:16 AM


Well the issue with how many rounds and when will never be agreed by all. But 6 rounds straight off Is a bit OTT for some on there wallets.

Regs etc. The balance bar and usage during a race by the driver is one of those that was put in place to stop people with little experience winding the knob without knowing what was actualy happening. Potential accidents may result from some wayward adjustment by people who dont really know whats happening as a result.

The external sensors was brought in to the locost regs once it was discovered that a few people where how shall we say connecting them to electronic boxes that also controlled the engine. At one stage we had someone running full 3D mapping. hence the keep it simple approach we have now. There is no reason why you cant run sensors on test days / trackdays. But for qualifying and race it has to be a no brainer keep it simple so it can be clearly scrutinised.

Alloy dampers well look at the kitcars. they allow alloy single adjustables in then they start allowing double then a few competitors start taking the piss. And now you have them running up to 6K Worth of dampers. Although it is realy quite funny as the majority who have them clearly don't know what they are doing as the cars Handel worse than they did before. As It stands again it is simple theres Protech Gaz and AVO. Then theres the option of have what ever valving you like to your spec or run what has proved to work for £325 for a set of 4 supplied by myself at no profit. And the availability of dyno checking and balancing what ever ones you do have fitted already FOC to registered drivers in the championship.
I dont necessarily think that it would allow anyone to have an advantage as you can already buy very expensive units in steel. So theres some argument over why alloy units are not allowed and some arguments that it is more a case of how it is perceived to be.

Mirrors well i haven't checked but that could be because we are effectivly defined as a sports car. Which brings in certain regs from the FIA/MSA

The other reg that will be enforced a bit more is the prop restraints one. Last time i checked only our cars where running them. This is a very basic FIA/MSA regulation that has been in place for quite some time. There has been one incident in RGB where there was none fitted. and there was an incident in Kits some years ago that caused a bit of a problem. It is mandatory for all front engined RWD cars to run propshaft restraints. They should realy be supplied by the chassis manufacturers if they know full well the chassis is going to be used for racing.

Cheers Matt

[Edited on 24/12/09 by procomp]

SMittell - 24/12/09 at 05:55 PM

I have looked in the new 750 MC Bulletin Jan 2010 and on page 7 the fixture list shows the first race for Locost as Snetterton on the 14th March. The Brands April meeting is shown as a single race on the 25th.

So did I post (Plan B) which was copied and pasted from the 750MC web site?


Is plan A after the 'provisional' list from the web site?


procomp - 25/12/09 at 07:04 PM


It could be that nothing becomes known untill plan F or G.


steveiow - 3/1/10 at 01:07 PM

Well I have just sent off my registration for 2010 so will be joining you guys as a novice on a steep learning curve.

A few jobs to do the car as it wasnt raced in 2009 and the regs have had a few changes since 2008 but should be with you all at combe, if thats where the first race is.

MK9R - 5/1/10 at 11:24 AM

anyone tried to sign up for their championship using the online submission form yet, it keeps coming up with an error on my PC when i try and send

alistairolsen - 5/1/10 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by procomp

The other reg that will be enforced a bit more is the prop restraints one. Last time i checked only our cars where running them. This is a very basic FIA/MSA regulation that has been in place for quite some time. There has been one incident in RGB where there was none fitted. and there was an incident in Kits some years ago that caused a bit of a problem. It is mandatory for all front engined RWD cars to run propshaft restraints. They should realy be supplied by the chassis manufacturers if they know full well the chassis is going to be used for racing.

Cheers Matt

[Edited on 24/12/09 by procomp]

They should be supplied and fitted in all cases, period!

procomp - 6/1/10 at 10:08 AM


Here is what is suposed to be the final calender for 2010. With the races finalised on each days.


Cheers Matt

steveiow - 6/1/10 at 10:13 AM

Originally posted by MK9R
anyone tried to sign up for their championship using the online submission form yet, it keeps coming up with an error on my PC when i try and send

Did mine online and its all been confirmed.

MK9R - 6/1/10 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by steveiow
Originally posted by MK9R
anyone tried to sign up for their championship using the online submission form yet, it keeps coming up with an error on my PC when i try and send

Did mine online and its all been confirmed.

ended up faxing mine in the end, not had any confirmation yet though

steveiow - 6/1/10 at 10:17 AM

I am sure you will hear back in the next day or so - I had a confirmation email yesterday.

MK9R - 6/1/10 at 10:54 AM

Originally posted by steveiow
I am sure you will hear back in the next day or so - I had a confirmation email yesterday.

The confirmation arrived when you post did, lol!! roll on 2010!!!

steveiow - 26/1/10 at 08:08 AM


Just received the race pack with the pdf's attached and cant see entry forms for Castle Combe for Locosts 5th April - as it appears to be a CCRC run event, do they send us the applications and details of any test days rather than the 750MC?

[Edited on 26/1/10 by steveiow]

[Edited on 26/1/10 by steveiow]

aligarratt - 26/1/10 at 09:37 AM

Usually the Castle Combe races are run by a different club. Something like the Castle Combe racing club, They will probably send out seperate entry forms for these.

ernie - 27/1/10 at 07:21 PM

yes, spoke to RK at autosport show, regs for Castle Comb will be sent direct

pumpers - 29/1/10 at 07:49 PM

I've decided that i'm not racing this year for a couple of reasons, firstly there seems to be a distinct lack of races round my neck of the woods. Looking at the fixture list I'd only be racing at Anglesey, Cadwell and Oulton as I usually travel down on the morning of the race due to work and financial constraints ( I don't do camping, I like a little comfort !) and it doesnt seem worth it.
Secondly, my wifes business has really taken off giving me absolutley no time whatsoever to prep the car !
There is an upside however, if business continues as it is I'll be able to pay someone to prep the car for me next year as well paying for a B+B!!

Hope you all have a great season and hopefully I'll get to a race or two to watch.


[Edited on 29/1/10 by pumpers]

[Edited on 29/1/10 by pumpers]

steveiow - 2/2/10 at 11:24 AM

Originally posted by procomp

The other reg that will be enforced a bit more is the prop restraints one. Last time i checked only our cars where running them. This is a very basic FIA/MSA regulation that has been in place for quite some time. There has been one incident in RGB where there was none fitted. and there was an incident in Kits some years ago that caused a bit of a problem. It is mandatory for all front engined RWD cars to run propshaft restraints. They should realy be supplied by the chassis manufacturers if they know full well the chassis is going to be used for racing.

Cheers Matt

[Edited on 24/12/09 by procomp]

Matt, can you give me any guidance on what type of restraint for the prop is required?

teh blue book seems rather vague from what i can see:

C(c)102 – With front engine cars a propeller shaft restraint should be fitted. Either safety hooks or a rigidly fixed steel panel of not less than 18swg.

Can this be interpreted in different ways and what method would you suggest?

Sorry for the questions but want to make sure the car is meeting the regs for my first ever race.

Thanks, Steve

procomp - 5/2/10 at 09:45 AM

Hi Apologies this post snook under the radar.

The prop restraints really nee to be a full 360 degree loop to contain the prop in the event of a failure. How i do it is to have a flat cross bar across the tunnel top. Something like 40x 5 mm And then have a U shaped loop that will bolt to the top cross bar that has been welded in to place. Makes it very easy to remove etc when prop need to be removed. The ideal place for these restraints is about50mm in from the joints so as to retain the event of failure.

Cheers Matt