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2010 On-Board Montage
TMC - 15/2/11 at 04:08 PM

Thought I'd share this...

2010 Locost Montage

A short selection of clips from Brands and Cadwell in 2010.

It's a really small snapshot of some truly fantastic racing! I'm glad I didn't have the camera on-board for many other races, otherwise choosing which clips to use would have been impossible!

Roll on April....

omega0684 - 15/2/11 at 04:16 PM

i bet that guy spinning out in front of you was a bit of a pant liner!

steveiow - 15/2/11 at 04:38 PM

Excellent montage - there is a lot less to avoid at the front of the grid than in the middle. You should see some of my in car footage!

HowardB - 15/2/11 at 04:46 PM

I'd be delighted to see some of your in-car footage, can you post it?

Dangle_kt - 15/2/11 at 06:20 PM

Great video - I love the line you take at 1.30ish - superb.

steveiow - 16/2/11 at 10:36 PM

Originally posted by HowardB
I'd be delighted to see some of your in-car footage, can you post it?

There are plenty of others on there too.

raddish - 17/2/11 at 09:53 AM

Originally posted by steveiow
Originally posted by HowardB
I'd be delighted to see some of your in-car footage, can you post it?

There are plenty of others on there too.

Nice avoiding at about 3 minutes

Plenty of brown trouser moments in there!!

[Edited on 17/2/11 by raddish]

steveiow - 17/2/11 at 11:38 AM

Pretty much every race contained at least one moment like that. That was the closest though.

I need a better camera!