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Oxford X-mas meet
scutter - 30/11/08 at 08:12 AM

That time of year again so why not pop over and report on all your build progress!

Tuesday, 9th Dec at the Rose Revived around 19:30, I should be back from a trip, so see you all there.

ATB Dan.

chris.russell - 30/11/08 at 02:53 PM

count me in!

chris.russell - 5/12/08 at 06:44 PM

Anyone else coming along for a festive pint?

JUD - 5/12/08 at 10:49 PM

Son's 15th birthday, so i am the doorman to ensure no yobbo gets out of hand!

bob - 5/12/08 at 11:27 PM

Cab fare would cost me

Lars - 6/12/08 at 09:24 PM

i'll be there

Cheffy - 9/12/08 at 04:49 PM


