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Plum Pudding Meeting Caterham Owners.
stevetzoid - 30/11/08 at 09:36 AM

Hi You Caterham Owners.
I have been asked to post this !!.
1 Practise,
2 Races,
Each of 15 minutes, for only £100, great value I think compared to some of the Locost entry fees this year, £300 at brands for the same thing.

Caterham only though.

Contact Noreen Ward on

Get rid of the festive cobwebs and give it a whirl!!!. See you there.

Richard Quinn - 30/11/08 at 09:43 AM

Hi Steve, not that it applies to me but, what date is it?

stevetzoid - 3/12/08 at 12:42 PM

sorry just thought everyone knew !! it's on " Boxing Day "