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SG7's Meet this Sunday
MakeEverything - 1/9/09 at 11:01 AM

Not sure if im going to be able to make this one. The car still needs an MOT, and i have to babysit.

If i can get an MOT on Saturday or during the week, and find a babysitter for a few hours, ill be there.

Anyone else?

cloudy - 1/9/09 at 11:10 AM

No engine in R4 at the moment, so i'll have to pass


scudderfish - 1/9/09 at 11:34 AM

I need an MOT, booked for Friday morning. Fingers crossed, I'll be going.

I'll see the R4 one day I hope!

55ant - 1/9/09 at 12:03 PM

hi all, im fairly new to this locost game but i live in hertford, thinking i could come up to this one? what time does everyone meet?

the car is still in a bit of a mess but driveable. would love to come and see some others and ask my many questions.


cloudy - 1/9/09 at 01:03 PM

I'm sure you'd be welcome see for more info....

MakeEverything - 1/9/09 at 01:33 PM

More than welcome Ant.

The meeting is at the George IV, on the road to baldock from Junction 9 of the A1M.

I normally get there from 11:30-12:00, but people normally start turning up from 12:00 onwards.
If you see Helen, her favourite car is the Dutton, so youre well in if you have one of those.

Its fairly relaxed and very friendly, and youll get to talk to everyone i expect.

If i make it, ill be in a rough looking kit. See you there.... maybe!!

Toprivetguns - 1/9/09 at 03:32 PM

I think Ill pop down for some much needed inspiration! God knows I need it.

scudderfish - 1/9/09 at 03:56 PM

It could be a nice day for it

Andybarbet - 1/9/09 at 06:39 PM

Should be there in the tintop, unless the weather is rubbish

MakeEverything - 1/9/09 at 07:11 PM

Convince the missus its a good idea to start that car!!! (But dont tell her i dais so ) You can go in that then!!

scudderfish - 4/9/09 at 12:25 PM

I've got my MOT at 11:30am on Saturday.... Fingers crossed.....

scudderfish - 5/9/09 at 11:38 AM

It failed

Handbrake efficiency was 'dangerous' and my wipers are crap. Retest next week so I shan't be going to Baldock tomorrow

MakeEverything - 5/9/09 at 11:57 AM

Mine too!

Failed on No passenger door handle, and handbrake efficiency. I fabricated and welded in a handle and adjusted the brakes, so am going for retest after 2.

Fingers crossed!

~Sorry to hear about the fury, hope ou get it sorted soon.

cairnnut - 5/9/09 at 08:29 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
Mine too!

Failed on No passenger door handle, and handbrake efficiency. I fabricated and welded in a handle and adjusted the brakes, so am going for retest after 2.

Fingers crossed!

It passed
Well done Richard
And I've seen it
Hope you can get along tomorrow

MakeEverything - 5/9/09 at 09:02 PM

Thanks John.

Ive had a bit of a drama with my insurance, and subsequently, Tax! - Im not sure if i could drive it tomorrow with no tax. Insurance is sorted now though.

scudderfish - 12/9/09 at 11:02 AM

A week late, but it passed! I'm off to burn some hydrocarbons now.