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Northants Area Group Meeting, Wed 14th Oct.
jollygreengiant - 12/10/09 at 09:49 AM

Ok lads & lass's, its that time of the month again. Who will be there and who will not.

Usual place, Overstone Manor 7:30/8:00pm onwards.

All are welcome.

Ps, your all safe, I over the lurgy apart from the cough that keeps on giving.

Dickyboy - 12/10/09 at 11:55 AM

I'm in.

flange nut - 12/10/09 at 08:00 PM

I'll be there.


kelloggs - 12/10/09 at 08:03 PM

Won't be there on wednesday as its Linda's birthday so going out for a meal

Trev D - 12/10/09 at 08:11 PM

See you there.