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SparkyPups - 14/5/04 at 11:07 AM

I notice there is a few of us round the northants area and was curious as to if there is a regular meet or not.

flange nut - 14/5/04 at 12:42 PM

At the moment there isn't a meet in the Northampton area but feel there should be! I tried to get a group together about 2-3 years ago but was met with very little response apart from Paulf. A chap in the last Locost mag (sorry haven't got your name with me) brought up the subject and when I rang him a few days later I was the only response. Is every Locost builder around Northampton a recluse? Come on it must be good to get together and exchange ideas, tools, parts and enthusiasm etc. All we need to do is decide on a meeting place and time.

flange nut - 17/5/04 at 12:28 PM

HELLO! Anybody out there?

Dave Ashurst - 17/5/04 at 06:53 PM

only us mice

MikeR - 17/5/04 at 08:32 PM

squeek squeek

Brooky - 18/5/04 at 09:00 AM

Got any cheese ?

paulf - 19/5/04 at 11:10 PM

There must be a good few builders in the northants area and a local meet would be handy.My problem is due to working shifts i usually find that no matter when I want to go anywhere I am working.I usually go to the midlands meet at Ansty but the last couple have clashed with my working days.
If anyone fancys meeting for a pint then lets organise a meeting in the next couple of weeks.Maybe it would be worth putting a note in the next Mag.

Originally posted by flange nut
At the moment there isn't a meet in the Northampton area but feel there should be! I tried to get a group together about 2-3 years ago but was met with very little response apart from Paulf. A chap in the last Locost mag (sorry haven't got your name with me) brought up the subject and when I rang him a few days later I was the only response. Is every Locost builder around Northampton a recluse? Come on it must be good to get together and exchange ideas, tools, parts and enthusiasm etc. All we need to do is decide on a meeting place and time.

DavidM - 24/5/04 at 09:31 PM


Never usually look in the Clubs posts because there isn't a Northants meet.

My wife says that for the purposes of this thread I am a recluse, but if you arrange anything I'll see if I can sneak out to it.

I only like cheddar though. None of that Camembert muck thankyou.

Once again I thank you.

And if any of you Northants boys are auto electricians, that'll be great 'cause I'm sh*t at wiring.

Just joking

flange nut - 25/5/04 at 06:21 PM

OK, there seems to be a bit of interest in a meeting so the question is where and when.
The first place that came to mind was the Billing Mill pub. This is very close to Billing Aquadrome. I should think most people who live in Northants and the surrounding counties know where that is. It's well signposted from all directions and is easy to get to.
How about the first Wednesday in the month?
If you have any other suggestions about a meeting place or the day of the week please put them on here.

paulf - 25/5/04 at 08:20 PM

The Midlands group meets on the first wednesday of each month , as I mentioned previously i am often cant make it due to work. I would prefer the second or third wednesday or another day as i would then stand a chance of making one or the other.
Does anyone fancy meeting for a pint this weekend?

Originally posted by flange nut
OK, there seems to be a bit of interest in a meeting so the question is where and when.
How about the first Wednesday in the month?
If you have any other suggestions about a meeting place or the day of the week please put them on here.

flange nut - 26/5/04 at 10:46 PM

Sorry about that Paul. Anybody got any objections to the second Wednesday in the month?
I'm up for a pint, is anybody else interested? I've got some technical details I need to discuss.

stephen_gusterson - 27/5/04 at 01:06 PM

I have been tapped on u2u, and could inflct myslef on you if needed



DavidM - 27/5/04 at 10:33 PM

May not be able to make second Wednesday in June, but should be OK for July.



Viper - 29/5/04 at 07:02 PM

I am gonna bump this back to the top coz i just noticed it and i think its a crackin idea...even though i am not from Northants and hate the place coz of the speed cameras.

flange nut - 29/5/04 at 09:24 PM

If you haven't got the inlaws round or you've finished the DIY how about meeting on Bank holiday Monday at the Billing Mill for a pint at Midday. I'll be there, look out for my maroon Sierra J539 REW. I'll be wearing my "Old Git" Tshirt, my family says it really suits me.

Viper - 31/5/04 at 09:15 AM

So is anyone going to billing today?


flange nut - 31/5/04 at 01:05 PM

Sorry Viper, didn't check the web site before I went to the Billing Mill. I've just got back, nobody else turned up. Anyway by 1.30m the place was heaving hardly a parking place to be found. A bank holiday is probably not the best day to meet. Anyway the second Wednesday in the month is the the 9th, so please come along everybody. See you at 8pm. That should allow people to get home, get fed and out again. My mobile number is 07791287253.

stephen_gusterson - 31/5/04 at 06:27 PM

will try and remember and make an appearance - so thats one down



Viper - 31/5/04 at 08:19 PM

it's ok flange, as it happens o got a fair bit done today, I will make the 9th as long as i am not still hung over, its my 40th the day before

DavidM - 4/6/04 at 04:45 PM

Will be there on the 9th, all being well and with a following wind.

So, will everyone else be there?

Viper - 4/6/04 at 05:26 PM

I intend to be there, I am the easy one to spot, i will be wearing a white stetson...

paulf - 4/6/04 at 09:28 PM

I will be going, maybe a little late as working but aim to be there before 9pm.

Originally posted by DavidM
Will be there on the 9th, all being well and with a following wind.

So, will everyone else be there?

jollygreengiant - 4/6/04 at 09:50 PM

Cheers Steve.

It's not true what they say about you. any one bringing the sweetcorn?

I may have to get a taxi over and have the driver wait for me! Or I might come over over in the O-me-god. Someone call me a cab.

stephen_gusterson - 4/6/04 at 10:06 PM

in case anyones lost the tread, I tipped jollygreen with an email. Cant say im not trying to drum up the troops!



[Edited on 4/6/04 by stephen_gusterson]

DavidM - 5/6/04 at 06:26 AM

Originally posted by Viper
I intend to be there, I am the easy one to spot, i will be wearing a white stetson...

In that case I've changed my mind.