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Sunday 5th Sept - Run to the South Coast - Fareham - Open Morning
greenwood03 - 31/8/10 at 11:21 AM

Guys, Southways Automotive who have taken over the 'Cat' from Tiger and who are in tHE repair/finishing kit car business have an open morning this coming Sunday. A few of us are popping down and making a bit of a run out of it.
We have 3 start points for anyone that wants to come along.
Newlands Corner - A25 between Guildford /shere: Meeting 07.30, leaving 7.40
Buck Barn - thats the service station A272/A24 junction: meeting 7.15, leaving 7.30
Petersfield - 8.30
Basically the 2 groups are meeting at Petersfield and finishing the run together.
So far there's 7-8 leaving Newlands, 4 from Buck Barn.
If anyone is interested please ping me a PM or better an email and i'll confirm details.
Aiming to get to Fareham for 9.15, for a wander/coffee+ bacon sarnie.
The run is detailed on the SKCC - forum.
SKCC Forum

Mark G

kitch - 25/8/11 at 09:52 PM

Just as a heads up - this open day is being repeated this year. It's on the 25th September (a Sunday). Same format as last year, although hopefully the rolling road will be in the ground by then too!