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Road Trip to Stoneleigh: east coast/Yorks/Peaks
greenwood03 - 13/10/10 at 10:42 AM

Don't know if this will appeal to any of you folks, and appreciate that it's a way off, but these things take a degree of planning.

Some of us from SKCC are going to do a bit of a road trip end of April ending up at Stoneleigh. The plan is set ( as we've started to get the accomm) is as follows:
Start 27th April (weds) - arrive Stoneleigh late Sat 30th ready for the show the next day.

27th - leaves Thurrock/Lakeside and heads to Skegness
28th Skeg - Whitby
29th - Whitby - Holmfirh (Peaks)
30th - Holmfirth - Stoneleigh.

There's 10 of us so far with a few more working on their 'parole points'. If anyone is interested in joining in on any/all of the legs please drop me a note. We're doing B+B all the way and as mentioned above have already booked al the places, but anyone else could get themselves in at the same places or nearby.

It won't be a 'convoy' job, to many cars, everyone will get the route as an .itn file for their sat nav and then can buddy up with others for morning/afternoon sessions, with everyone meeting at lunch.

anyway, if anyone fancies it let me know....

greenwood03 - 15/10/10 at 10:18 PM

oh well 143 views and no takers........

jacko - 16/10/10 at 03:22 PM

This is a very nice idea sorry i wont be coming along with you but have a good trip
I will look out for you at stoneleigh when you get there

Benzine - 16/10/10 at 04:58 PM

"would you like me to book you in for the christmas dinner?"

"It's May!"

greenwood03 - 7/12/10 at 04:41 PM

Just a quick update in case anyone is interested........
we've got 14 cars 'paid up' for this so far. And yes i noted the response above and agree it's early to be thinking about what's happening next April. But as space at the places we're staying is limited its worthwhile booking early - and now that HRH is getting married and we're getting another public holiday it means just 2 days off work!
Mark G