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South Brum Meet: Monday 1st of November
omega0684 - 27/10/10 at 02:20 PM

Afternoon all,

Well its getting to that time of the month again, Monday the 1st of November is the next date for the South Brum Meet. Main topic of discussion will be the christmas dinner;times and dates and location to be discussed on the night so get your thinking caps on!

Usual place for the meet at the Old Washford Mill in Redditch. lets hope for a better turn out than last month. i know that i will definately be there as i've managed to swindle my way onto an early shift at work.

Stick your names up or let me know if your coming.

Mads: MAKE yourself available, i have a pressie for you!

See you all Monday


Old Washford Mill Linky Locator here! - 27/10/10 at 02:51 PM

I'll be there, prob with a load more questions.......begging for more help with the build.


mads - 27/10/10 at 04:51 PM

i'll be there

stevec - 27/10/10 at 04:51 PM

Alex I will come if you have a pressie for me.


omega0684 - 27/10/10 at 05:50 PM

Originally posted by stevec
Alex I will come if you have a pressie for me.


im sure i can russle up a toffee crisp!

stevec - 27/10/10 at 06:49 PM

Originally posted by omega0684
Originally posted by stevec
Alex I will come if you have a pressie for me.


im sure i can russle up a toffee crisp!

Make it a Crunchie and your on, Oh and any chance of a lift?

omega0684 - 27/10/10 at 07:24 PM

Originally posted by stevec
Make it a Crunchie and your on, Oh and any chance of a lift?

Shouldn't be a problem.

gregs - 27/10/10 at 08:11 PM

I guess I really ought to get there as I live walking distance from the mill...

dave-69isit - 27/10/10 at 08:55 PM

i shall be there hopefully early

omega0684 - 28/10/10 at 10:31 AM

Originally posted by gregs
I guess I really ought to get there as I live walking distance from the mill...

Shame on you gregs, we've been having the meet there for months!

dave-69isit - 1/11/10 at 09:50 AM

see u all later

eddie99 - 1/11/10 at 01:37 PM

Just spoken to Alex and looks like i'll be there as well

mads - 1/11/10 at 01:40 PM

excellent. I'll definitely be there too.

Eddie - remind Alex to bring my present and my money!!

omega0684 - 1/11/10 at 04:57 PM

Originally posted by mads
excellent. I'll definitely be there too.

Eddie - remind Alex to bring my present and my money!!

Ah The money! i forgot about that! Present is already in the car, Mads!

bump: reminder for everyone else! me and eddie will be there about 7:30 onwards!

mads - 1/11/10 at 05:41 PM

hmmm.... typical!! Forgetting the most important thing! Give me a shout once you're there as I'm working about 5mins away tonight.