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Sat 13th Nov - Surrey / Sussex Run + Brekkie
greenwood03 - 8/11/10 at 10:35 PM

Just a heads up iin case any insomniacs fancy joining a few of us from SKCC for an early Blat. Will be heading off from Milford just off the A3 for about 70 miles, ending up just to the South East of Dorking at a rather nice sounding Cafe as below. Set off time is 07.30 - will be at the Cafe for 09.00/09.15 ( in case anyone fancies just dropping in there for a fry up and a 'hello' ).

brekkie here

If it appeals drop me a note for the route details or pop onto SKCC to stick your name down.

Surrey Dave - 10/11/10 at 12:21 PM

You should be ending up at a Chinese Takeaway with that registration!

It's like an advert for unhealthy eating E3 MSG!

greenwood03 - 10/11/10 at 09:16 PM

nowt wrong with the odd bit of unhealthy eating Dave!! everything in moderation ( yeah right!!).

aka Keith - 11/11/10 at 02:11 PM

Mark, is the run still on - do you know what the weather forcast is like? its a 30 mile trip to the start area - so it will depend on how many brownie points I have got.


greenwood03 - 11/11/10 at 02:22 PM

Craig, yes we're doing the run, if it's forecast to phish down all day then we wont be going, will do a weather check tomorrow with those that have said YES....and if its just likely to be showery then we're still going. 30 miles - is that all, i reckon i'll be leaving at 06.00 to get there for 07.00!
You're welcome to pm me your tel number if you are wanting to join in, and if you use ttom then i'll gladly send you the .itn file/route.