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Trackday - Brands - 11th Dec
andylancaster3000 - 6/12/10 at 04:17 PM

Just wondered whether any LCB-ers are at the focused events trackday at brands this weekend?

I've entered with the road car. Going to be miserable, cold and probably wet but hopefully should keep the itch at bay for a while!

mark chandler - 6/12/10 at 04:38 PM

your not selling it to me !

We tried last year around this time, 4 hours stamping about in the snow they agreed to refund our money when it was clear that the track would open

andylancaster3000 - 6/12/10 at 04:48 PM

Apologies, edit:

Its going to be Sahara hot and dry and will definitely keep the itch at bay.

Still places left.

bi22le - 6/12/10 at 05:12 PM

A friend of mine that often frequents this website is taking his fury out for the first time. Hopefully I will get a drive.

What car are you driving? If I see you I will come say hi!

andylancaster3000 - 6/12/10 at 05:18 PM

A blue 306 GTI6, nothing too special I'm afraid.

I'll keep an eye out for a fury also.

carpmart - 6/12/10 at 05:48 PM

I'm planning on racing at Anglesey this weekend but if that is canceled due to the weather, I will try and get down to Brands. Do you know the noise limits for this trackday?

CRAIGR - 6/12/10 at 06:45 PM

Brands in december last year when we went for a trackday.

[Edited on 6/12/10 by CRAIGR]

GMPMotorsport - 6/12/10 at 07:03 PM

Originally posted by CRAIGR
Brands in december last year when we went for a trackday.

[Edited on 6/12/10 by CRAIGR]

Love the picture.

andylancaster3000 - 6/12/10 at 07:52 PM

Hoping the bad weather doesn't affect it too much. The guy I'm going with has has the last 2 of the 3 trackdays he's entered snowed/fogged off!

I almost had to contend with this for my first ever race:

andylancaster3000 - 6/12/10 at 08:16 PM

Its a 105dBA I think.

bi22le - 7/12/10 at 12:15 PM

I have spoken to my mate and he has phoned and cancelled due to expected bad weather. He got 85% of his money back.
I may come down and watch but probably wont now as my kitchen ceiling has decided to hide a water leak for the last 2 years and finally popped!!

They are really nice photos.

Andylancaster3000 is that Lyddon Hill near Cantabury?

andylancaster3000 - 7/12/10 at 12:42 PM

Finger crossed on the weather. The forecast says fog at the moment so we will see...

Yup, pictures are Lydden. April 08 I think (Christ was that over 2 and half years ago... )

[Edited on 7/12/10 by andylancaster3000]

greenwood03 - 7/12/10 at 04:37 PM

well i hope it stays clear for you Andy. track days at this end of the year are all about luck - did Bedford last Nov and had a long delayed start due to fog, did Brands in Dec ( can't recall the exact date - the 8th? ) but it was fine and sunny. Anyway, hope you have a good one, may slide over if i get a chance as am only a mile or two away.....

andylancaster3000 - 11/12/10 at 07:46 PM

Well the buggers cancelled it due to bad weather. Been a brilliant day weather wise up here, can someone confirm whether its been different down that way or if there's snow on the ground so I can feel less bitter!

greenwood03 - 12/12/10 at 12:26 AM

i'd guess that they still had some snow issues......i'm a cple of miles away also on high ground like they are and yesterday it started to melt quickly ( yesterday morning we still had about 6 inches on the lawn and driveway) most of the lawn has cleared but there's still a fair amount on the driveway.....given that they had to take a decision and presumably given that they have to have all areas safe ( not just the track ) i guess its a fair shout......pity for you and the others though.