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Cracking Run Today
greenwood03 - 5/2/11 at 03:45 PM

Had a super run this mroning with a few guys from the SKCC site, joined by a couple of Sunrise Sevens. Early start for a few of us to get across the the main meet point before we set off on a 100 miler around North Hants and Berks. Pity that the roads had a little 'sheen' to them making us a little wary, there were some really good roads - 2 in particular were just awesome, the type of roads that open before you, sweeping bends, little up and down hills - described by one amongst us as a 'Cartoon Road' - an apt desription.
For those that are bored and wonder where we went - linky here to the main webpage - click - 'where have we been'....
(the where have we been button only work is you have google account - gmaps)

skcc Linky

Hope that others had similar fun today!!

[Edited on 5/2/11 by greenwood03]

Xtreme Kermit - 5/2/11 at 08:37 PM

Sounds good - but the recent runs doesn't work for me...

What am I doing wrong?

greenwood03 - 5/2/11 at 09:41 PM

mm i've just found out that it won't work with some browsers - IE is def ok, but hearing that it doesnt like firfox, not sure why! - if you're using something else can you let me know please as i need to check what's causing this prob!!

Xtreme Kermit - 5/2/11 at 09:49 PM

Safari on iPad - fail
Chrome on pc - fail

scudderfish - 5/2/11 at 09:59 PM

Chrome on Mac - Fail

MakeEverything - 5/2/11 at 10:03 PM

Chrome on Vista PC. Fail.

Looks like an incorrect file format.

greenwood03 - 7/2/11 at 09:02 AM

sorry folks it's become clear after asking questions in the pc/comp forum that the issue of not being able to browse it lies with the fact that the output file from teh GPS Logger is in a format that only Internet Explorer recognizes without additional setting changes or plug ins. Have heard from a few folks that they can view using firefox etc, but obviously somewhere along the line they must have changed their settings or added the right plug in.

As my talent with IT related stuff is limited am trying to find an easy way of uploading a file that any browser can work with.

mrwibble - 7/2/11 at 03:38 PM

do i have to register to watch it? says something about permissions to view the files attached to this post.

greenwood03 - 8/2/11 at 08:16 PM

no you don't need to register to view.....