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Brands Taster Session 15th March.
greenwood03 - 10/2/11 at 09:36 PM

don't know if anyone would be ineterested....
MSV have one of their taster sessions at Brands as abobe ( time 5.10). Its 20 mins of on track driving for £25. Its a good way for novices to test the water to see if they really do fancy a full on TD, moreover its a nice feeling to be able to bahnter in the pub with pals and tell them that you've been round Paddock Hill bend etc etc....

I've talked to Brands and if we can get 20 cars we can have a 'kits only ' session - which has to be a brucie bonus. Over at (group events within the forum) we've just started a list and have 7 if it would appeal please drop in there or drop me an email. Booking will be direct with Brands, but obviously we'd like to keep an eye on numbers and make sure that we have enough to make it work.

Mark G