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New Forest Blat 6th March
greenwood03 - 15/2/11 at 11:40 AM

well ok it involves a bit more than the New Forest! One of our new members decided to pop up a shout for a run out, so we've hatched a plan. He's down in the New Forest area so we're going to visit his patch and a few new places as well.
We're starting at Winchester and heading West to Compton Abbas for Brekkie, from there we'll head down to the Forest for a shandy before splitting up and heading our separate ways.
So far there's about 8 of us up for this run, anyone from here welcome to join in.
It'll be an 08.15 meet, away 8.30, brekkie 9.30 and a pub to debrief around 12.30.
welcome to email me or the thread link is linky

bi22le - 15/2/11 at 05:09 PM

Hi, Mark.

I noticed this post on SKCC. Its along drive for 8:30 meet. We will have to leave at 6am!

At least the roads will be empty at this time

I doubt the car will be ready by then anyway.

Maybe I now have a target date!

See you soon.
