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Stoneleigh - the long way round - road trip
greenwood03 - 25/3/11 at 09:22 AM

Just a final reminder of the SKCC Road Trip to Stoneleigh. Full details are in the link below but as a guide / taster.

We're doing a 4 day trip to the Show and will start on the 27th Apr from Lakeside / Thurrock. Overnight stops are booked at Skeg, Whitby and Holmfirth. Starting on teh 27th means for most folks just 2 days off work thanks to someone's wedding on the Friday. Accomm is B+B and costs etc are in the link. We'll get to Stoneleigh on the Sat eve before the Show starts on the Sunday.

Folks could join in part way round if they choose, or perhaps with a degree of planning could join in for a bit of a 'day trip' drive.

We have 15 cars/drivers ( and a few 'significant others' ) all paid up for this now, so if you fancy joining in please drop me a note ( email best ) and i'll answer any questions.......

SKCC road trip


owelly - 25/3/11 at 09:29 AM

If you want a list of good roads and fast pubs in Whitby, just ask!!.....

greenwood03 - 27/3/11 at 01:43 PM

have sent you an email.......thx for the offer and yes....but more questions/detail in the mail....