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Another Essex / Suffolk meet (at long last)?
blockhead_rich - 31/3/11 at 07:29 PM

Hi Folks

Now my car is about to get back on the road tomorrow and the gearbox appears to be working this time around (long story), I just wondered if anyone is up for a meet. Last time I "arranged" this, we met at the Thatchers Arms in Mount Bures ( > the last one was quite some time ago though.

I can't make Sundays until my sons football team has played their last game (not sure when that is), and I can't make Saturdays when Col U are playing at home either (no comments please)!

So I propose Thatchers Arms, Friday 15th April 6.30 pm onwards...

Anyone interested or do you have other suggestions of when and where?


Stuart_B - 31/3/11 at 08:16 PM

hi rich, i would be up for that, but my car is still under winter upgrades (must finish soon as)

i will keep an eye on the thread and try and get the car running again.


David Jenkins - 31/3/11 at 08:25 PM

I'm usually booked on Friday evenings...

gavin174 - 31/3/11 at 08:30 PM

I would be interested in this..

let me know.

cheers Gavin

russbost - 31/3/11 at 09:13 PM

and me, but may not have a kitcar for the next 6 weeks or so!

RazMan - 31/3/11 at 09:53 PM

I doubt I could get there in time on a Friday - what time does it get dark?

blockhead_rich - 1/4/11 at 04:20 AM

Sounds like a saturday lunchtime might be better for most people, so how about the 16th @ 12.30?

RazMan - 1/4/11 at 05:40 PM

That's more like it Rich

David Jenkins - 1/4/11 at 06:05 PM

It's a possibility...

Razman - don't forget the hump-back bridge this time!

RazMan - 1/4/11 at 08:20 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
It's a possibility...

Razman - don't forget the hump-back bridge this time!

No worries - it is indelibly engraved on my satnav screen

rusty nuts - 1/4/11 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by RazMan
Originally posted by David Jenkins
It's a possibility...

Razman - don't forget the hump-back bridge this time!

No worries - it is indelibly engraved on my satnav screen

And the underside of your car?? Might get there if my brother is out of hospital

blockhead_rich - 1/4/11 at 11:57 PM

Hate to tempt fate but my car ran like a dream today, first time I've driven well over a mile for ages!

Sorry if you were in any of the cars I overtook and happend to scare the living daylights out of you!!!!

Just had to be done after all this time off the road and considering the amount of S***T I've had with job's recently!!!

Still happy days!!!!


David Jenkins - 14/4/11 at 08:08 AM

Is this still happening on Saturday?

The weather forecasts are a little iffy (possible showers) but I don't trust them anyway!

blockhead_rich - 14/4/11 at 06:29 PM

Well I'm still available but I'd like to suggest 1pm so that my son can come along with me and so long as the weather is dry (ish).

So who else would be able to make it then & there??


David Jenkins - 14/4/11 at 06:31 PM

I *should* be ok for that time... weather permitting.

It's been dismal today, but hasn't actually rained. Forecast is "a few light showers" but that doesn't say when in the day... probably won't happen anyway!

blockhead_rich - 14/4/11 at 06:59 PM

Let's just wait and see what the day and forecast brings and then confirm on Saturday morning....anyone else out there interested??

Stuart_B - 14/4/11 at 06:59 PM

i will not be coming, will trying to finish off the car winter upgrades, bite of a bit more than i should have

RazMan - 14/4/11 at 10:03 PM

I will probably be there as long as it isn't persisting down

David Jenkins - 15/4/11 at 08:20 AM

Originally posted by RazMan
I will probably be there as long as it isn't persisting down

It's all right for you - your car has a roof!

blockhead_rich - 16/4/11 at 05:38 AM

Looks like it is going to be a nice day, so see you there around 1pm. Anyone else care to meet up?


j3w3ll3r - 16/4/11 at 08:21 AM

Car is in bits at the moment but am trying to get it in one piece, So hope to be there

[Edited on 16/4/11 by j3w3ll3r]

David Jenkins - 16/4/11 at 06:23 PM

So - who was it in a black and silver 7 going up the hill to the pub as I was going down away from it (at about 1:45pm) in a yellow and silver one?

RazMan - 16/4/11 at 11:27 PM

That was Stu - he arrived just after you left. So that makes a grand total of 5 of us who turned up today if you include passengers ....... well, I've seen quieter days but it was a good excuse for a pint and a sarnie anyway so we enjoyed it - and it didn't rain on us either so not too bad all things considered

[Edited on 16-4-11 by RazMan]

rusty nuts - 17/4/11 at 12:20 PM

It chucked it down in Cambridge for a while with hailstones thrown in for good measure so I gave it a miss . Was out in the car with SWMBO at the time , She was not impressed

Ferg - 17/4/11 at 02:21 PM

I do like the Thatcher's, indeed I'm often in there, but Saturdays are difficult. Friday evening is good like we used to.

blockhead_rich - 18/4/11 at 07:18 AM

Friday's will be difficult for me after May the 9th as I'll a be starting a new job which will mean I'll have to commute into London.

But perhaps I might be able to get there (Friday eve's) slightly later than previously!

Anway it was good to see David, Stu and Raz (and wife) on Saturday.
