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Final reminder - in case anyone wants to join in....
greenwood03 - 20/4/11 at 09:24 PM

as has been mentioned a group of us from SKCC are doing a Tour which arrives at Stoneleigh on the Sat ahead of the Show. In the process we are heading up the East Coast, through the Moors and Peaks before arriving in need of a serious beer at the Show.
If anyone wants to tag along for a days driving ( or part of a day ) or even wants to do join in properly ( B+B ) then this is the order of play.
Weds 27th Lakeside/Thurrock to Skegness
Thurs 28th Skeg to Whitby
Fri 29th Whitby to Holmfirth ( passing thru the Moors and to the West of York - Otley, Bigley, Hebden Bridge etc)
Sat 30th - Holmfirth -Stoneleigh - criss crossing the Peaks to pick up the recommended roads.
we're leaving at 09.00 each day, although a few hardened souls will prob go for an early morning 'proper' blat before brekkie returning to the B+B to meet the sleepy heads!

pop me a mail if you're interested.....