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B2B Run 28th May
hearntd - 2/5/11 at 10:09 AM

Hi all,

The guys of the Southern area Tiger Owners Club have been talking about a run from Brooklands to Beaulieu. this is not a full on Blat just an oppertuniny for a good drive out with as many cars as posssible, followed by some lunch, cars and good company.

The idea at the moment is to meet at Brooklands for about 9am and then to start heading down to Beaulieu from about 9.30, getting there for about lunch time, we are looking at a possible stop somewere in the middle (fuel, fags, coffee etc), along with picking up any drivers on the way that maybe joining mid way. Once there we were thinking of lunch (location to be agreed) and then a mooch around the museum. The route is beeing worked on but will probaly mainly take the A31 (maybe with the odd diversion) we will make this avaliable on TYRE for all that want it when it's finished.

if we can get enough people interested in this we can arrange a group parking area at Beaulieu car museum and make a bit of a show out of it. we want to try and get as many cars as possible on this one and wil be putting posts up on pistonheads, SKCC etc.

5/ Ian, (meet somewhere in the middle)
6/ Tony H (To be confirmed)

gdp66 - 7/5/11 at 09:07 AM

5/ Ian, (meet somewhere in the middle)
6/ Tony H (To be confirmed)
7/Gary P

hearntd - 12/5/11 at 06:56 AM

OK so we have confirmed a couple of meet/stop point on route. these are the Shepherd and Flock Roundabout on the A31 and The Golden Lion Alresford Road, Winchester.
It is apporx 45 mins to each so we would look to be at the Shepherd and Flock for about 10:15 to leave at 10: 30 and the Golden Lion for approx 11:15 to leave at 11:30.

Below is a link to the route (and stops) that has been proposed I will make this avaliable on TYRE over the next couple of days so anyone that wants its ping me a message and I will sent it over.

List of names
5/Ian, (meet somewhere in the middle)
6/Tony H (To be confirmed)
7/Gary P

[Edited on 12/5/11 by hearntd]

wilkingj - 12/5/11 at 07:57 AM

Guys... Can you put your rough location in your profiles... Its helps you and others in the long run.

Sounds like a good run, a bit too far for me though!

Have fun..

hearntd - 19/5/11 at 06:27 PM

For anyone that is sitting on the side lines we now have a route for the trip on TYRE if anyone would like a copy please feel free to send me there email address and I can send it over.

gdp66 - 24/5/11 at 10:38 PM

bump it up

greenwood03 - 25/5/11 at 02:31 PM

5/Ian, (meet somewhere in the middle)
6/Tony H (To be confirmed)
7/Gary P
9/ bob f
10/ terry m

Chaps we'll meet you at Brooklands after our early blat and join you part of the way

11/ mark g
12/ Andy M
13/ Craig
14/ Nick S