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Reasons for attending shows?
adithorp - 23/5/11 at 09:40 PM

So why do you attend a show?

Every time there's a kit show, there's always a (disapointed) thread or two afterwards about it's content. I used to go to look at the cars (both in the show and owners cars to figure out what I wanted. Then I started going to get parts and look at the fine detail of the cars. Now I go to meet up with people and have a laugh.

austin man - 23/5/11 at 09:50 PM

After the buil stage I also think that the main reason for going is the camping and the crack with a good old group of guys

LBMEFM - 23/5/11 at 09:53 PM

So why do you attend a show?

I ask myself that every time I go to Detling.

AdrianH - 23/5/11 at 10:01 PM

Usually for the first 3, but can only vote for one

bigrich - 23/5/11 at 10:25 PM

I only go to 1 show a year which is Newark. For me its a social thing, meet up with mates few drinks etc.

stevebubs - 23/5/11 at 10:48 PM

1, 2 or 3 depending on the show...

I reckon those in category 4 are those people who are ever optimistic that things will get better

[Edited on 23/5/11 by stevebubs]

skodaman - 23/5/11 at 11:44 PM

How about another category. So I don't have to go to work.

DRC INDY 7 - 24/5/11 at 05:27 AM

It has to be the craic

cliftyhanger - 24/5/11 at 05:49 AM

Once you have been to a few shows there is little new to see in the way of cars or innovation. I guess there is the occasional "wow"
So it has to be to buy stuff but surely the most important part is to meet up. Car show, go to the pub, doesn't matter where you go too much, it is the people that are important

Yazza54 - 24/5/11 at 07:03 AM

Normally if Ive got nothing to do.

greenwood03 - 24/5/11 at 07:57 AM

has to be to meet people for me, ok there's the occasional new car thats worth looking at in the flesh, but as mine is built and i need no parts / gimmics/accessories then its to catch up with people and have a laugh: be that at the Show or also on the way to the show - ie/ a run out. From a personal perspective i'm not really that interested in seeing 100+ westfields or 30 Tigers lined up. What interests me more are cars out of my normal sphere - classics, retro, rods etc. And i assume that those guys probably have the same mentality - they are probably fed up with seeing yet another Mk1 Escort and would rather have alternative style cars to look at.

i imagine that there's a valid argument to have 1or 2 1 day Shows. It would concentrate the number of cars on a given day, and takes off pressure to lug gear around for staying over. Or perhaps the organizers could actually go some way to making staying over a bit more pleasureable. This year the Bar at Stoneleigh wanted to shut at 9pm on teh Sat, handy as it was bloody cold outside.

i'd also like to see more socialising amongst the clubs, At Detling for example i think there are some purpose built BBQ's, it would be nice to have them available to owners who could drag along a few bits to cremate which in turn is likely to lead to a bit of banter with others whom they dont know. Once you're at a show unless you have made arrangements to meet someone the chances of bumping into them by their car ( which is likely the only thing you'll recognize them by ) is about zero.

dave-69isit - 24/5/11 at 08:18 AM

as above

mistergrumpy - 24/5/11 at 04:04 PM

I go for a mixture of things really. I like to look at the cars for ideas and just to admire the different finish qualities and also because it just seems to flair me up inside into doing something to mine and to get out using it more. I do generally have a small list of some sorts of things to get and I think that this is maybe the biggest cause of disappointment when I can't buy something I need for the kit car from a "kit car show" and which causes me to moan.
If I factor in the costs for tickets, food and petrol and the driving time (I hate long distance driving after too many years of it) it may set me moaning again if it's a particularly rubbish show like Newark or Stafford which I think should be advertised as meets not shows!
I don't go for the social side because that's just not me and if the Mrs comes she doesn't want to hang around with the "clubs" either having done loads of the mini shows with them and her parents concours Mini.
All in, I generally go because it's a car/motorbike show, not specifically because it's kits cars. I try to sample other scenes when I can and when you see some of the smaller VW shows, it pales the kit car ones into almost insignificance which is a shame.