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Essex / East suffolk run this wednesday 15th June
greenwood03 - 13/6/11 at 09:56 AM

a few of us from SKCC are having a run out this Wednesday evening. Meeting at 18.30just off the M11 ( harlow junc ) on the a414 - hastingwood road. It'll be a 33 miler to a pub up at Hempstead for a quick shandy and then heading back down south, cars will peel off as necessary for: chelmsford, Cheshunt and i'll be heading back to Kent with another.
If anyone fancies joining in let me know please and i can make the ITN of the route available for tomtom.

Xtreme Kermit - 13/6/11 at 12:53 PM

I'd be up for it depending if I can get kermit going and get the time off puppy watch...

greenwood03 - 13/6/11 at 03:15 PM

if you can get 'parole' then drop me a mail to and i'll send you the ITN of the route and the exact meeting point. Be nice to see a few faces from the other side of the water!

Xtreme Kermit - 15/6/11 at 11:16 AM

Hmmm - not going to work out today. Too busy at work to get away in time

Have a good blat!

greenwood03 - 15/6/11 at 11:01 PM

twas indeed a good run, had a slight issue with a/ the dartford tunnel - how slooooow? b/ sump guard decided that it had taken 1 beatingtoo many and parted company with its frame - unfortunately facing forwards so had to fiddle around to do a temp bodge - made us a bit late leaving. had about 15 mins of drizzle which wasnt bad for a 3 hr run.
good company, good roads and good banter - perfect.