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South West: Request for kitcar owners to have car photographed.
EasyJimbo - 25/6/11 at 07:50 PM

Hi Guys
As a former MK owner I thought I would advertise this on here first. I am a professional photographer and I want to undertake some high end motoring shoots involving some nice cars to build a portfolio so I can get some motoring magazine work in the future. I am based in Bristol and I am looking for 3-4 kitcar owners (ideally & type cars and anything else interesting), that can attend a photoshoot on a nice day over the coming 1-2 months on a weekend that I can photograph. This can either be a dedicated shoot just for this or i can come along to a meet that you may have organised. Ideally I need a nice setting (track day, park, nice pub, country road etc etc), with some space where I can bring my professional lighting along and get some really great images of your cars.
And what do you get from this, well I will provide each of you who attend with a DVD of the images for your use.
Please email me at james AT if interested and we can talk more.

YQUSTA - 25/6/11 at 10:23 PM

Have you tried posting on bristol kitcar club and apple county kitcars they both have run outs and may allow you to go along to take snaps.

tandi - 26/6/11 at 08:35 AM

Hi James
I'll be at combe on Sunday 2nd for track day with my fury. Not sure I'll have time for static shots but will be on track as much as possible.
Cheers Kevin

wheezy - 28/6/11 at 10:51 AM


If you are looking for interesting cars in your area you need to head to this pistonheads event.

With 400 cars there you should have plenty to chose from.

I'll be there in the Spire
