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Newlands Corner
bob - 25/6/11 at 10:05 PM

I know its a late shout but the weather looking brilliant its worth a go.

Also i need one of those bacon rolls badly.

[Edited on 26/6/11 by bob]

Macbeast - 26/6/11 at 06:22 AM

Probably no. Forecast has changed ( as it does )

bob - 26/6/11 at 07:08 AM

Weather looks fine to me.

Macbeast - 26/6/11 at 07:44 AM

OK, I'm coming

GeoffT - 26/6/11 at 09:09 AM

Ah....didn't see this in time, would have enjoyed a trip out today.

Catch you next time fellas

Humbug - 26/6/11 at 09:31 AM

Oh boogger! Only just seen it...

steve m - 26/6/11 at 11:15 AM

It was only Bob, and myself today

greenwood03 - 26/6/11 at 01:04 PM

think there was a bunch of caterhams there earlier after a short run, whilst a few of us from SKCC were a few miles away at the rather tasty Cafe at the Henfield Fisheries.....was indeed a glorious day for a run, albeit a tad misty/foggy early doors....

Macbeast - 26/6/11 at 01:53 PM

Got to Newlands for the first time ever in the GTS, and nobody there
I did see a blue 7 coming away through Clandon and we waved.
Was a bit held up leaving because some piece of self-abusing pondlife had parked in front of my garage
And my wooly hat blew off on the M25

Not a very good day then, but at least the car made it there and back

[Edited on 26/6/11 by Macbeast]

bob - 26/6/11 at 03:18 PM

MB yes it was me on the way back through Clandon, sorry i missied you but had to get back for some home duties.

Nice day for it anyway and nice to see steveM is back on the road, also nice to see he has seen sense and ditched those two buckets he was using to fuel his car LOL.

Nice weather, sorry it was a late call.