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South Brum Christmas Dinner Meet
omega0684 - 22/10/11 at 04:52 PM

Hi All,

As discussed at the last meet we will be having the South Brum Christmas Dinner at 'The Boat Inn', Catherine-De-Barnes. The Christmas Dinner and December meet will be combined as one. The venue is offering a 3 course Christmas meal for £17.99 per person. The menu is as follows;


1) Cauliflower & Tickler soup - Cauliflower and potato soup with tickler cheddar and a crusty roll.
2) Prawn Cocktail - A traditional prawn cocktail (Lettuce/King Prawns/Seafood Sauce) Finished with 2 Japanese Breaded Prawns and crusty bloomer
3) Mushroom and Spinach Tartlet - (dressed with rocket salad and homemade sweet potato crisps)
4) Mini Turkey Pie - Short crust pastry turkey and vegetable pie, served with a spoonful of honey-crushed carrots , cranberry sauce and a splash of gravy.

Main Courses

1) Traditional Roast Turkey - Served with roast & mash potatoes, winter vegetables, pigs in blankets, sage and onion stuffing, Yorkshire puds and gravy.
2) Grilled Sea bass - Served with sautéed onions, green beans, roast potatoes & tomato & basil sauce.
3) Rib of Beef - Served with roast & mash potatoes, winter vegetables, sprouts, Yorkshire puds & a rich red wine sauce.
4) Vegetable Wellington - Butternut squash, spinach, mushrooms, cashews and chestnuts, with brie and cranberry, baked puff pastry. Served with sautéed onions, green beans, roast potatoes & 'tomato & basil' sauce.


1) Christmas Pud - served with a hot brandy sauce
2) Irish cream Meringue Yule log - Yule log flavoured with Irish cream & extra thick cream
3) Winter fruit crumble - winter fruit topped with a cinnamon crumb, served with custard
4) Yuletide Mess - Crushed meringue nests folded in whipped double cream, with rich black cherry compote and fresh raspberries.

Provisionally, the dinner will be booked for Monday the 5th December (this will be dependant on restaurant availablity).

If you would like to join us for the Meal, i will need your meal selection & a £5 non-refundable deposit (restaurant terms, not mine) by Monday the 7th of November.

For any further info please u2u me

All the best


mads - 24/10/11 at 12:31 PM

Seeing as noone has replied to this as probably wondering who (if anyone is going). Myself and Rachael will be present. - 25/10/11 at 12:28 PM

I will be there, however Emma will be in Germany so won't be able to make it.

Alex I need to get some money to you Lee Evans and the Deposit. Txt me you bank details and I'll get the money over to you.

See you all after holiday's..............


omega0684 - 27/10/11 at 08:56 AM

We have about 6 so far, keep them coming people. Pete, we'll sort out money later mate, don't fret.

BATHO - 28/10/11 at 10:24 PM

Hi, me and Marie will be present to....

omega0684 - 30/10/11 at 01:42 PM

Originally posted by BATHO
Hi, me and Marie will be present to....

let me know what you want off the menu!

dave-69isit - 30/10/11 at 10:20 PM

sorry for late reply my pc went down when is the next meeting can pay deposit then x2

omega0684 - 2/11/11 at 09:03 AM

Hi Guys,

The November meet will be on the 7th of November. Usual place and time, I don't know whether i'll be there though as im having eye surgery on the 4th and i don't know what my vision will be like or whether i'll be able to drive.

At Martin: If i'm not able to make it, could you collect the money for the deposits please, as your the one that lives closest to me and i could pop over to yours later in the week.



mads - 5/11/11 at 09:42 AM

I should be there... hope all has gone well with your eye surgery Alex.

BATHO - 6/11/11 at 01:03 PM

see ya tomorrow - 19/11/11 at 10:18 PM


Emma isn't going to Germany so would like to come to the Christmas meal. I have sent you a u2u.


omega0684 - 22/11/11 at 03:43 PM

ok guys, just an up date on the christmas meet. i made the preliminary booking and paid deposit this afternoon. so far i have the following attendees

Alex - Paid
Mads - Paid
Rachel - Paid
Martin - Paid
Marie - Paid
Claire - Paid
Pete - Not Paid (don't worry i have paid your deposit)
Emma - Not Paid (don't worry i have paid your deposit)

All the best


mads - 1/12/11 at 01:26 PM

Alex, you heard from Dave or MikeR about this?

omega0684 - 3/12/11 at 04:25 PM

Dave sent me a u2u, i replied, and then he never got back to me,

Have heard nothing from Mike.

i would imagine they can still attend, but they won't be able to choose from the selected christmas menu

[Edited on 3/12/11 by omega0684] - 5/12/11 at 09:38 AM

Looking forward to catching up tonight........ is it the usual 7.30?
