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Brooklands Museum New Years Day
bob - 13/12/11 at 07:42 PM

Managed to do this one for a few years now, always weathewr permiting but as long as its dry i'll give it a go.

Last year was packed with all sorts of cars, parking of anything classic vintage or sports within the Museum grounds gates open at 10am but i have been in earlier, interesting Museum as well so well worth the visit.

theconrodkid - 13/12/11 at 08:05 PM

i remember getting frost bite there some years ago

Coopz - 13/12/11 at 08:51 PM

Looks great! Trouble Is I will probably still be bladdered from the night before If not I shall pop along.

hicost - 13/12/11 at 11:10 PM

I would love to go...

But I will not be here again

I would still like to go though........

GeoffT - 14/12/11 at 04:40 PM

This one's a definite for me, always a great day out.

For anybody who hasn't been before, bring your own nosebag, the grub is usually at the end of a long queue and a bit pricy here.....

Surrey Dave - 14/12/11 at 04:42 PM

You're definitely showing your age there!

I remember when I was very young the rag & bone man's horse had a nosebag?, (cue Steptoe & Son music!)

GeoffT - 14/12/11 at 06:08 PM


Nosebag? You're definitely showing your age there! I remember when I was very young the rag & bone man's horse had a nosebag?, (cue Steptoe & Son music!)

......I remember Steptoe & Son very well. Fuzzy black and white telly on a 12" screen - those were the days.....

I suppose you're going to tell us this is one day too late for your current road tax...?

[Edited on 14/12/11 by GeoffT]

Surrey Dave - 14/12/11 at 06:54 PM

The weather might be too much for my sense of humour as well!

Taura - 21/12/11 at 08:08 PM

Hi Guys, I am new to this forum.

I will be attending this meet with my Tiger Cat.


Pezza - 21/12/11 at 08:16 PM

The MK is all road legal now

Providing the weather aint pissing it down I will be there

bob - 22/12/11 at 09:10 AM

Well done Ben re car legal, i'm off to tax mine for another 12 months today.

As said weather permiting i'll be there, as usual probably early.

The Museum state the gates open at 10.00 but i've been there at 09.30 and driven straight in with cars already there. Its always nice to see some of the older cars arriving, we normally park at the rear of the wellington hanger just before the banked section.

pewe - 26/12/11 at 06:10 PM

Gather from ANOther forum that our cars enter free - is that deffo the case as I normally resent Brookland's pricing policy i.e bend over....?
Trying to work out timings to do Brooklands and the Phoenix at Hartley Witney the same morning.
Any-one else for both - weather dependent of course?
Cheers, Pewe10
PS C'mon John you know you want to - wind in the hair and all that.....

bob - 26/12/11 at 08:44 PM

I'll have a think about the Hartlet Witney meet, sounda like a plan.

Yes the Cash for entrance is steep since without the cars a show would be pointless, i will go anyway as the amount of cars of interest that turn up make the payment worth it. Just make sure you take a bit of grub and a flask as Weybridge food prices are extreme to say the least.

bob - 31/12/11 at 12:12 PM

The weather window is looking good.

GeoffT - 31/12/11 at 04:39 PM


The weather window is looking good.

...with temperatures almost balmy compared with some previous years.......

Aiming to get there around 1030ish.

bob - 1/1/12 at 08:44 AM

That'll do for me, and i'm sober so game on.

Pezza - 1/1/12 at 08:57 AM

I'm pretty sure i'm still drunk, so think i'll be giving it a miss.