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When is my next local kit event
Padstar - 19/5/12 at 04:00 PM

I am keen to get to look at a few built cars before a finally splash some cash on the start of my kit so that I can see some of the ideas I have for my build in the flesh.

Looking for a show/meet somewhere relatively local (I am in Croydon) that will have several 7 style cars there. Any ideas?

coozer - 19/5/12 at 04:25 PM

Newark is the next BIG show, worth the journey up if you fancy.

Padstar - 19/5/12 at 04:48 PM

When? Where?

adithorp - 19/5/12 at 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Padstar
When? Where?


coozer - 19/5/12 at 06:03 PM

Yep, worth it just for the sight of the WW2 Memorial flight... brings a tear to the eye...

greenwood03 - 19/5/12 at 06:43 PM

come to teh fisheries at Newdigate tomorrow and join a few of us for brekkie, newdigate is just s/east of dorking just off teh a24 so pretty close to you....think there'll be a busa mac1, few different tigers, caterham, locost, westie, fury etc....we'll be arriving there around 9.15 - join us for a bit of brekkie and ask whatever you want. if you get yr self up early we'll be leaving the mc'ds at the junc of the a272/a24 at 7.15 - and am sure one of us can offer a passenger ride.......

henfold fisheries is the place......

[Edited on 19/5/12 by greenwood03]

stevebubs - 19/5/12 at 07:12 PM

look out for the next newlands corner meet...surely that would be do-able?

Padstar - 20/5/12 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by greenwood03
come to teh fisheries at Newdigate tomorrow and join a few of us for brekkie, newdigate is just s/east of dorking just off teh a24 so pretty close to you....think there'll be a busa mac1, few different tigers, caterham, locost, westie, fury etc....we'll be arriving there around 9.15 - join us for a bit of brekkie and ask whatever you want. if you get yr self up early we'll be leaving the mc'ds at the junc of the a272/a24 at 7.15 - and am sure one of us can offer a passenger ride.......

henfold fisheries is the place......

[Edited on 19/5/12 by greenwood03]

Sorry just got out of bed and read this.

Looked at the link - where is the motorsport at the palace?

greenwood03 - 21/5/12 at 07:22 AM

motorsport at 'the palace' is crystal palace.....

Padstar - 21/5/12 at 09:40 AM

Excelent I was hoping that would be the answer. Is it just a car meet or a race event?

I would e wry interested in coming along to this. Is it normally a good turn out. I couldn't get any more info on the event from the clubs website

greenwood03 - 21/5/12 at 05:41 PM

we dont promote it as a big club event, in past years there's been a half a dozen of us there, teh day is centred around sprinting on a section of the park, think we will have 2 of our guys in the various classes.

keep your eye on the site for other runs where there will be a few cars, often there's a brekkie run weekends, or the 1st fri of teh mth there's a meet at the big Grasshopper at Westerham - started by the jpscc guys, turnout varies between a half a dozen cars to 12/15 depending on time of year./weather......

Padstar - 21/5/12 at 09:39 PM

Ahh the good old grasshopper. I used to go for the GTiR meet down there back in the day. Seems to be a popular meeting place. 1st Friday? Does no one work