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Midlands Meeting - November Cancelled
MikeR - 2/11/04 at 05:32 PM


Due to my complete inability to organise a different pub, I'm having to announce that the meeting this month is cancelled.

Next months meeting is 1st December, usual place (Ansty Arms) usual time (8pm). As its December I'll be having a christmas meal (well ok, a mixed grill).

See you all soon for tales of my stunning progress!!!!!!

nicklondon - 30/11/04 at 07:33 AM

Is the Dec meeting still on? i'm new to the area and still in the planning stage so would like to meet up for some advise.

Brooky - 30/11/04 at 08:27 AM

Its that time again, the call to arms, the Ansty Arms - although from now on
I'll have to think of something else that is almost witty as its changed its
name. Anyway, same time and place as usual, 8pm, Wednesday 1st December.

see you there.

MikeR - 30/11/04 at 07:00 PM

yep sure is and I want to talk to people about exhausts - mounting them (cue innuendo from the usual suspects!)

Brooky - 1/12/04 at 01:10 AM

he he he he he !!!!!!