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Malton breakfast meet Sunday 12th October
sonic - 13/9/14 at 08:14 PM

Hello all

As title, just a heads up as i know a few people go who visit this site

jacko - 13/9/14 at 08:17 PM

Thank's Mick i will try and get there this year

rash12 - 13/9/14 at 09:22 PM

where in malton please ?

owelly - 13/9/14 at 09:32 PM n

rash12 - 13/9/14 at 09:43 PM

what time is breakfast ?

jacko - 13/9/14 at 09:52 PM

Originally posted by rash12
what time is breakfast ?

About 8,30 to 9.00 am

owelly - 13/9/14 at 11:16 PM

But they'll still be serving beyond 11....

rash12 - 14/9/14 at 08:38 AM

jacko, is that a class 1 mini in your photo which club where you in ?

nick-york - 9/10/14 at 09:02 PM

I think im going.It ll be a first for me.its bad forecast so I ll be down in the tin top .looking forward to it.Anybody else on here going ? Would be nice to meet some of the people from on here .

jacko - 15/10/14 at 06:22 PM

Originally posted by rash12
jacko, is that a class 1 mini in your photo which club where you in ?

Hi a bit late in my reply,
no the mini i raced was a class 7 rear wheel drive 3000 V6
I raced for Hull but also raced at many many more tracks