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Any meets in Leeds/York area?
Mark H - 13/11/02 at 07:27 PM


Does anyone live around this part of the world, and if so, is there any pub or breckie meetings? If there isn't any meetings, anyone fancy suggesting a place?

Just seen the South Yorkshire invite - can't make this month, but will try to get down for the next one (is it ok to turn up in a road car, as my locost is not exactly roadworthy yet!)


Mark Rescued attachment mark and beryl 002.jpg
Rescued attachment mark and beryl 002.jpg

Mark H - 13/11/02 at 07:28 PM

Sorry about the size of the attachment!

chrisg - 14/11/02 at 06:48 PM


Our meeting is the YORKSHIRE meet.

I'd have thought that the venue being in west Yorks would have sort of indicated that it's not a south yorks meet!

15 mins from Leeds, Christ, we had a bloke form Blackpool last night! Regulars from everywhere from Chesterfield to Rippon, come on lad - Finger out, next meet 11th December.



Mark H - 15/11/02 at 08:27 PM

Erm, yeah sorry bout that! Brain is fried I think...

Chris, I will be there on 11th all being well- it'll be nice to actually talk not just type to someone! How many Locosters come out to play?



chrisg - 15/11/02 at 08:37 PM

Eight of us on weds but It's up to 25 ish in the summer 10+ cars last summer but it looks like around twenty might be possible next summer, Including mine (fingers crossed!)

Lots of nutsack being spoken in the winter, drooling over the cars in summer!

See you there



Jon Ison - 16/11/02 at 09:00 AM

but who spks the bollox ??? Get there M8, they even make me welcome...some times...

steve faunch - 19/11/02 at 09:43 PM

some idiots even turn up in their locosts at this time of year I must be barmy

chrisg - 19/11/02 at 11:11 PM


Respect is due, although you are completely barking mad!


Chris the cripple