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Is there a Show calendar
ceebmoj - 24/1/06 at 01:03 PM

Is there a Show calendar

Hi is there a calendar some where that shows all the kit car shows?

mookaloid - 24/1/06 at 01:11 PM

Have a look here



Danozeman - 24/1/06 at 01:13 PM

Theres a list in feb's which kitcar mag.

Rubix - 24/1/06 at 01:27 PM

Which kit online gives all the shows you must go to this year .........................WITHOUT FAIL !!!!!!

bob - 24/1/06 at 03:14 PM

I put this in the website suggestion area.

I think it would be worthwhile as people could submit the smaller/local shows too.

Aboardman - 27/1/06 at 11:42 PM

did you know that the stafford kit car show in march has been cancelled.

chrisg - 28/1/06 at 11:08 AM


They sent us some stuff to book a stand.

When did they cancel it?



scutter - 28/1/06 at 01:33 PM

No doubt now then, Looks like to trip to Gaydon if on.


So that's only one limelight show this year then, bummer!!

ATB Dan.

chrisg - 28/1/06 at 02:14 PM

Thanks James

Does anyone know why?



Aboardman - 28/1/06 at 03:20 PM

I had heard due to lack of manufactures

ASH3 - 29/1/06 at 10:48 AM

Thats limelight not been to a show
of theres thats been properly organised yet,
take Donnington wat a balls up every year.
I see noise level is 98 this year wat is it
a race track or an airport