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Stoneleigh on monday?
chris_harris_ - 30/4/06 at 08:29 PM

Well it sounds like lots of people had lots of fun today whilst i pulled a 12 hour shift, so does this mean that no one is going tomorrow, and its just going to be me on my own wandering around aimlessly??

Mezzz - 30/4/06 at 08:33 PM

Ill be there looking for a car to buy

chris_harris_ - 30/4/06 at 08:37 PM

I'll keep my eyes open, for a man with a keyboard and a sore face!! Well at least there will be two of us then, shouldn't be hard to see each other!!
Good luck with the hunt!

Lawnmower - 30/4/06 at 09:09 PM

I'll be there, touch wood!

Was travelling to stratford today, to meet my mate before heading to london to see the start of the gumball rally, saw loads of sevens, cobras, some trikes, and a few randoms, was in a really cheerful mood, when my red mx5 broke down! spent the day getting towed back to gloucester.

Many thankls to the 2 people in the green car wearing crash helmuts who slowed down to see if i was ok, aa man arrived about 15min later!

If there areanywhere near the number of vehicles that passed me today, there tommorow then it will be a good day!

[Edited on 30/4/06 by Lawnmower]

nige - 30/4/06 at 09:52 PM

me and rash will be there
2 hr drive hope its not too wet
need to see plenty to keep up
the inspiration

Chazzy - 1/5/06 at 04:04 PM

chris, did you buy lots of goodies, i was watching the weather and made it today for a couple of hours, i was parked up at the locost area from 2ish.
didn't read this post till i got home. u2u a phone number if you want to meet one evening now they are lighter.