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Rossy - 7/8/06 at 03:16 PM

We need to sort a regular meet out in the North West once and for all.

j30fos - 7/8/06 at 03:56 PM

It needs someone to take ownership of it. like the westy manchester guys, he puts a renewal note for all new and excisting members ( to jog memory :-) ) 2 weeks before.

it needs to be close to good roads so a run out is possible and it also needs a good car park.

What we do need is a rough idea of how many people would come to the meet once the location is put up. I think the first meet you did near Rivington is a good idea as the roads are good and the roads into the pub are easy for NW guys to get to A666/M65 and even M61.

Hope that helps and yes it would be good to meet some of you north west guys. Im sure some of the westy guys would meet :-)

Rossy - 7/8/06 at 04:43 PM

and the bugs?

Is there any further to the M65 with big car parks?
I know theres and Italian Resty down there and comming from my end if you take the 1st exist (back to Chorley there's a pub there on the left...wait..just got it. We could meet at the pub I used to meet at in the Porsche club.
Dressers Arms
9 Briers Brow


I'll see if I can do a poll thingy..done it in other forums..

Rossy - 7/8/06 at 04:48 PM

Well that worked....not!

Looks like I not got the rights or somthing..

So, I take the lead.

Fridays seem to be a bad day...peeps late from getting back from work what about the 1st Saturday of the month? My only thoughts on that are it could be busy..the Porsche meet was the 1st Monday...whats best north west guys and girls???

j30fos - 7/8/06 at 05:12 PM

I find weekends are good for a blast not a meet, I've got family also so weekends would'nt work for me. the westfield meet is every 2nd wednesday of the month and it has lots of guys who attend.

Fridays seem to be a good day but meet a bit later say 7.30 to 8pm gives people time to get home and have some tea.

mitch2b - 7/8/06 at 05:49 PM

Hi Guys,

I was looking at that place a few hours ago when i passed, large carpark close to some excellent roads, easy to get to being close to both M65 and M61.
are you still up for it being a all type meet?, we had six or seven hoods at the first one,(and could do with a NW meet too as at the mo we havent, again because of shift work) i cant make everyone due to shiftwork, but would come when poss,
(not Weds),
how about second thurs-Fri of the month every month? (theres a classic-hotrod meet in Preston first friday that gets a few hoods and westies and cobras dont want dates to clash really.

welderman - 7/8/06 at 06:54 PM

Went to the Dressers Arms last week in the Indy, car park pretty big, FOOD was great.
as for a night, pretty flexible i am.

Rossy - 7/8/06 at 10:10 PM

So the Dressers Arms it is.
Just got to fix a day!
1st Friday or 1st Thursday of the month, which is Favourite?

I'd do a pole again but can't...LOL :~)

Rossy - 7/8/06 at 10:18 PM

Ment to say 2nd Thursday or Friday of the month?

Used to go to the preston meet myself, in my V8 VW Van! Always brought a smile....
So may even go there myself in the 7...

[Edited on 7/8/06 by Rossy]

[Edited on 7/8/06 by Rossy]

welderman - 8/8/06 at 05:41 AM

So next thursday or friday, im at 3 sisters on wednesday so will have to talk to wife, im not allowed out twice in one week.

Any one going to Harrogate on Sunday ?.

[Edited on 8/8/06 by welderman]

mitch2b - 8/8/06 at 07:33 AM

it would be this thursday-friday if its going to be the 2nd of the Month,

And since its Harrogate this weekend then why not make it this thursday so it doesnt clash with people going camping up there.

just a thought


Rossy - 8/8/06 at 11:17 AM

10th it is at Dressors then

Gav - 8/8/06 at 11:50 AM

Ill try and make it in the tin top unless someone wouldnt mind giving me a lift *cough*

Rossy - 8/8/06 at 04:43 PM

I'm up for it, but would much rather be part of a convoy as it will be bar far the furthest I will have travelled in the Banana!
Thats after oldham tomorrow night (Wednesday) :~)

So can we (North west or anyone passing though) not meet up and travel in convoy??

Just a thought!

Rossy - 8/8/06 at 04:44 PM

John, you up for it then?

mitch2b - 8/8/06 at 08:00 PM

thats sorted then, see you there.


Ps Gav, my spare seats taken but will ask Andy if hes going solo

j30fos - 8/8/06 at 08:04 PM

Rossy, should find out tomorrow night at the westy meet what they're doing about harrogate. Westy drive outs are mental

Rossy - 8/8/06 at 08:07 PM

I'm sure they are not seen me drive yet! LOL

j30fos - 8/8/06 at 08:19 PM

is there any other NW 7 owners fancy meeting up and coming along, all 7's are welcome. they have a drive out also. we will be leaving Bolton at say 7.20 and going up the M62 to Junc 20 to Oldham where meet is held.

either u2u me your mob number and we can sort out a meet along the way or simply reply to this thread, I'll check it before I leave.

[Edited on 8/8/06 by j30fos]

Rossy - 8/8/06 at 09:54 PM

and if the weather is like its been tonight?

j30fos - 8/8/06 at 11:25 PM

its raining now :-(

welderman - 9/8/06 at 06:47 AM

Went out for an hour in the rain last night, wife thinks im mad, was up for sale this week. Not any more.
The buzz i get from driving in the rain was something i seemed to have missed. Sod the Mini build.
Hope to be going on Sunday, rain or shine. Who else is going.?.

Rossy - 9/8/06 at 07:07 AM

So you're all going even if its raining?

Fury muff...

I'll pack a 12v hair dryer then...:~)

Oh dear...just remembered no 12v Cig socket..back to the brolly behind the passanger seat then..

welderman - 9/8/06 at 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Rossy
So you're all going even if its raining?

Fury muff...

I'll pack a 12v hair dryer then...:~)

Oh dear...just remembered no 12v Cig socket..back to the brolly behind the passanger seat then..

Do you not have any waterproof's. Although i was in my shorts last night. I have a full set of proof's, and on long journys normally wear my helmet too.

mitch2b - 9/8/06 at 07:38 AM

12v socket in mine if you want to use it

It will be fine though trust me


Darth Blader - 9/8/06 at 03:23 PM

Been busy this last couple of days so didn't see this thread. Typical....
Number1. The Indy's playing up giving me a flat battery after every run, need to sort that out (tonights off then)

Number 2. I work 8am to 9 pm every Thursday, so I won't be able to make any of those meets

Ho Hum


j30fos - 9/8/06 at 04:06 PM

always the case, is there any chance for the next one after the harrogate show we could make it the 2nd friday night as the missus would soon get fed up with me out Wed and Thurs in the busa, she hates it as is. but a gap in days would be better.

mitch2b - 9/8/06 at 05:42 PM

lets see what happens tomorrow and sort the next one from there, you never know the landlord may not want us back?

See you there


Rossy - 9/8/06 at 10:28 PM

Tomorrow from 7:30 at the dressors!

By the way, I had a WOW time tonight with the westy guys!!
1hrs run over the tops...great fun..

John let them know they are more than welcome tomorrow night (Thursday) at the Dressors if the better halfs will let them out!!

Umm...does this mean I will have to sort out a run out too...maybe next time, lets see who turns up.