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Leicester and Nuneaton Locosters Meet
NS Dev - 17/5/07 at 09:15 PM

Right, I've been prompted, so i'll give it a go!

Who from the Leicester and Nuneaton area would be interested in a Locosters type meet?

My current thoughts on venue are The Bulls Head on the A47:

Bulls Head Map

It has a big car park, is pretty much in the middle of the two towns and is petrol friendly.

That last could also be a small issue in that maybe we don't want to meet on the same night as another gang, and I know that a couple of biker's groups and the local NSRA (nat. street rods assoc.) meet there too.

Having said that, we can sort that by trial and error!

How about the fortnightly on Wednesdays from 7:30pm...............start next week???

Who's up for it???????????

PS they keep decent beer, so try and come 2 to a car!!!

[Edited on 17/5/07 by NS Dev]

MattCraneCustoms - 17/5/07 at 09:29 PM

I'm up for it, though next week is a no go. that said a wednesday would be the best day for me . . . It'd be great if someone in a 7 could give me a lift . . . . would make a change from my battle damaged 306 . . .

ReMan - 17/5/07 at 09:43 PM

Originally posted by NS Dev
Right, I've been prompted, so i'll give it a go!

Who from the Leicester and Nuneaton area would be interested in a Locosters type meet?

My current thoughts on venue are The Bulls Head on the A47:

Bulls Head Map

It has a big car park, is pretty much in the middle of the two towns and is petrol friendly.

That last could also be a small issue in that maybe we don't want to meet on the same night as another gang, and I know that a couple of biker's groups and the local NSRA (nat. street rods assoc.) meet there too.

Having said that, we can sort that by trial and error!

How about the fortnightly on Wednesdays from 7:30pm...............start next week???

Who's up for it???????????

Blimey! This is spooky!! I was going to do this post at the weekend!!
A small group of us, had already got this in mind and had discussed partly from from the local Stoneleigh convoy! (Was it one of these guys that was the prompt?)The Bulls Head was the initial suggestion, but I like yourself was concerned it might clash and was going to pop by tomorrow night and ask the gaffer what was on and when?
Personally I would prefer a Thursday, and even if it was only once a month it would be good, I know there is potentially about 20 or so very local without even trying.
It's a great idea and I'm all for it, even if you did post it first But hey, you can get the first round in
I'll make sure that the peoples I know get this post and we'll see what happens. I'm happy to pool email addresses etc

Keith Weiland - 17/5/07 at 09:46 PM

I haven't got a car built or even started for that matter but I would definitely be interested. Wife doesn't drive and I like the odd pint, wonder if the buses run through there.

ReMan - 17/5/07 at 09:55 PM

I'm sure someone would pick you up.
I could if I'm SWIMBOless but she'd like to play too if she's free.
Sorry , did I read no SWIMBO's

Jon Ison - 17/5/07 at 09:56 PM

weather permitting we could come look see ya, not a million miles away

chriscook - 17/5/07 at 10:13 PM

I'd be up for that.

snippy - 17/5/07 at 10:19 PM

I`m up for a meet here. Already discussed it with reman at Stoneleigh and there`s a few others not on this forum who will come too.

ReMan - 17/5/07 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
weather permitting we could come look see ya, not a million miles away

Being about as central as central can be and only about 10 mins from the M1-M69 junction I'm sure it could attract from quite a wide area. I can think of a couple of places nearby with even bigger car parks if nessesary

NS Dev - 18/5/07 at 07:12 AM

Originally posted by ReMan
Originally posted by NS Dev
Right, I've been prompted, so i'll give it a go!

Who from the Leicester and Nuneaton area would be interested in a Locosters type meet?

My current thoughts on venue are The Bulls Head on the A47:

Bulls Head Map

It has a big car park, is pretty much in the middle of the two towns and is petrol friendly.

That last could also be a small issue in that maybe we don't want to meet on the same night as another gang, and I know that a couple of biker's groups and the local NSRA (nat. street rods assoc.) meet there too.

Having said that, we can sort that by trial and error!

How about the fortnightly on Wednesdays from 7:30pm...............start next week???

Who's up for it???????????

Blimey! This is spooky!! I was going to do this post at the weekend!!
A small group of us, had already got this in mind and had discussed partly from from the local Stoneleigh convoy! (Was it one of these guys that was the prompt?)The Bulls Head was the initial suggestion, but I like yourself was concerned it might clash and was going to pop by tomorrow night and ask the gaffer what was on and when?
Personally I would prefer a Thursday, and even if it was only once a month it would be good, I know there is potentially about 20 or so very local without even trying.
It's a great idea and I'm all for it, even if you did post it first But hey, you can get the first round in
I'll make sure that the peoples I know get this post and we'll see what happens. I'm happy to pool email addresses etc

LOL great minds eh!!!!!!!

It was cadebytiger that prompted me (he's an old schoolmate of my brother's), I mentioned about a month ago sorting out a meetup but have only just got round to it (prompted further by getting my car on the road!)

I'll maybe have to have a vote on the day to have it, as I've had a "can't do thursday" from someone else. I could do a poll on here I suppose!

Pdlewis - 18/5/07 at 07:27 AM

Sounds good to me!!

MikeR - 18/5/07 at 07:42 AM

I might pop along - as long as the p*ss taking about not diong anything for 6 months at a time doesn't get too much

plus i can't do next wed, going to rock opera thingy (friends drum teacher made her buy tickets so she picked on me to be the plus one! muppet said yes to the gig before i found out what it was)

Dave J - 18/5/07 at 07:46 AM

I'd love to meet up. Weekday evenings are a bit chockka with other commitments at the moment.

However, when eventually I can make it, Wednesday evenings would be ok.

Sunday lunchtimes any good?

Cheers guys


cadebytiger - 18/5/07 at 08:37 AM

and here he is.... count me in! - that is if i have the car back together by then. lol

Can i make a special request for it to be any day other than a thursday. I work in a lab and we have to collect samples for my research that evening every week

Bit of a trek for me but i could certainly do once a month!

cadebytiger - 18/5/07 at 08:38 AM

ps wednesdays would be great for me

NS Dev - 18/5/07 at 02:14 PM

Any more takers.............

Keith Weiland - 18/5/07 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
I'm sure someone would pick you up.
I could if I'm SWIMBOless but she'd like to play too if she's free.
Sorry , did I read no SWIMBO's

I wouldn't say no to a lift if someone is going by Hinckley. I hate to admit it but I have never even been in a Se7en of any type except I sat in a westfield at Stoneleigh

NS Dev - 18/5/07 at 04:59 PM

Both Reman and myself are within a mile or two of Hinckley, come along to the meet at the pub and you'll get the chance for a run out in a few different options!

MikeR - 18/5/07 at 05:12 PM

and bring clean underwear

Hellfire - 18/5/07 at 05:17 PM

It's quite a distance for us but if the weathers nice, we'll have a drive down.


chriscook - 18/5/07 at 05:52 PM

May not make next week now as something at work which had to be done by wednesday is now due on Thursday. With the way work always expands to fill time I'll probably be doing it Wednesday night now instead of Tuesday.

But generally wednesdays should be ok.

car builder - 18/5/07 at 08:16 PM

Iam up for it be good to get out and use the car for somthink other then a quick blast down the road.

NS Dev - 18/5/07 at 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
It's quite a distance for us but if the weathers nice, we'll have a drive down.


That is a good run down, be absolutely cool to see you down here though mate!!!!

NS Dev - 18/5/07 at 09:03 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
and bring clean underwear

Just been out for the first proper blast this evening..........................hmmm its fairly quick!

Didn't necessarily feel it to me, but then nothing ever really does when you are driving it. Certainly sub 4 secs to 60 though!

Here's Bec with a "passenger's view! " : you can tell somethings is fast when you can't breath anymore!! it definitely needs a screen of some sort, it made my eyes run a lot!

paulf - 18/5/07 at 09:46 PM

If the weathers good I will come along for a run out

Trev D - 18/5/07 at 09:48 PM

That sounds good to me to.

cadebytiger - 18/5/07 at 09:49 PM

Sub 4! sub4!! sounds bloody quick to us pinto drivers! Windscreens are for girls

NS Dev - 18/5/07 at 10:09 PM

Bec didn't mean a full screen necessarily, but she did brave 100mph in a car with no screen at all, aero or otherwise, in just sunglasses!!!!

Only bit that gave me the jitters for a mo was that the fan LED came on when I went over 80ish, it was only later it clicked that it got brighter as I went quicker, and that is was the fan windmilling energising the LED!!!

Wheel alignment needs checking too, think a tad more toe-in might be in order, gets a bit untidy in sidewinds at 100ish.

[Edited on 18/5/07 by NS Dev]

givemethebighammer - 19/5/07 at 07:15 AM

I can make it once a month on a Wednesday, Thursday would be better though.

Only a quick blast from Loughborough

MikeR - 19/5/07 at 09:28 AM

Originally posted by NS Dev
Bec didn't mean a full screen necessarily, but she did brave 100mph in a car with no screen at all, aero or otherwise, in just sunglasses!!!!

Only bit that gave me the jitters for a mo was that the fan LED came on when I went over 80ish, it was only later it clicked that it got brighter as I went quicker, and that is was the fan windmilling energising the LED!!!

Wheel alignment needs checking too, think a tad more toe-in might be in order, gets a bit untidy in sidewinds at 100ish.

[Edited on 18/5/07 by NS Dev]

I repeat my statement, i'm never going out in that car with you driving! Bec driving maybe, but not you

(yes, i'm fully aware i'm a big girls blouse)

ReMan - 19/5/07 at 10:33 AM

Looks like at least a dozen cars so far, with another few bystanders
I know there is more, so I think it might be a good idea to do another thread/poll over the weekend to keep it at the top so to speak

Catpuss - 19/5/07 at 12:45 PM

Been there before, bit towny but OK.

Round near me (and most of you still) in Glenfield is the Nags Head and at Brant Hill (A50/A46 roundabout) is the Brant Inn.
(Its on LE6 0DU
Overdale Avenue but here is a map that nearly gets it right)

Street map

That one has the Triumph owners club meeting on Tuesdays (monthly basis) so are used to meets there. Quite big car park too and just off J21a of M1.

Certainly if you want to go by bus its dead easy as its the main route between the city center and Coalville.

On and its easy walking distance from my house

(Just in case anyone has a break down and needs tools mind, not that I'm a lazy sod).

[Edited on 19/5/07 by Catpuss]

[Edited on 19/5/07 by Catpuss]

NS Dev - 19/5/07 at 01:42 PM

ahhh, there'd be no temptation to get your car finished then though!!! LOL!!

Think it will probably be the Bulls Head (or Halfway House as its locally known) as it does fit in nicely halfway between the two big groups of people, in nuneaton and leics, not to mention making demo drives for prospective builders easy as its not in any village or town, and it fronts straight onto a decent road, with good windy lanes off both sides within a mile radius.

Pretty sure I will slot in next wednesday as the first meet, I'll probably be there on my own but someone has to start these things lol!!!

Catpuss - 19/5/07 at 02:40 PM

Mkay. I can't promise this Wed but I'll give it a go.

....I may be on my bicycle though

As others say, Thursday and Tuesday are bad for me. Wed is ideal.

awinter - 19/5/07 at 03:48 PM

I'll be there see you around 7.30. weather looks OKish at the mo so should be in the striker.

food is not bad either, car park is good in the summer.


awinter - 19/5/07 at 03:56 PM

I'll be there see you around 7.30. weather looks OKish at the mo so should be in the striker.

food is not bad either, car park is good in the summer.


[Edited on 19/5/07 by awinter]

MikeR - 19/5/07 at 08:50 PM

Why did i agree to go to a gig????

Been playing with the garage today (had to move stuff to get at the car) after NS Dev popped round in his new monster .......

I want to be on the road now

Brooky - 20/5/07 at 08:51 AM

Hi, I cant make this weds but I will try for the next.

skidude88 - 20/5/07 at 11:30 AM

I'm on call with work....

Car's off the road too (having oil pipes made 1/2 mile from the Bulls head @ Roger Clark M.S. in Desford!)

I'll hopefully try and make it in the tintop.

NS Dev - 20/5/07 at 01:07 PM


I will be there, 7:30, wednesday.

Mine's a black and ally skinny looking seven, probably with no screen and a dirty faced driver lol

snippy - 20/5/07 at 08:38 PM

I`ve put a post re this on the Tigerownersclub forum to drum up some more! I take it 7.30 is the official time? see you there, weather looks to be good.

ReMan - 20/5/07 at 09:23 PM

Wednesday 7.30 it is and we'll see how it goes I guess

cadebytiger - 20/5/07 at 09:59 PM

not sure if the car will be all sorted by then but if not i will pop over in the tin top. would be a shame to miss the first one

benedict - 20/5/07 at 11:06 PM


*looks around and recognises some old faces/usernames*

OK Hello (again) people, not been on here in ages and I'm somewhat amazed that I remembered my password.

Anyway Mr. Winter (Hi Al ) popped round earlier and mentioned this 'ere meet on Wednesday.
I'm definitely up for popping along, and should be free so, it'd be cool to catch up with some old faces, as well as some people I think I recognise through skidaddle88 among other connections (It's a bloody small world).

For most of you who don't know me, I'll qualify myself as a "locostbuilder", having built a Stuart-Taylor "locosaki" a few years ago (though I do believe I started that well after a certain builder from Nuneaton ) I also built a Tiger a couple of years before that.
However, I do understand that you're now required to throw rocks at me or something as a "miserable sod" as I've now got a Caterham

Anyway, I used to go and interlope in the monthly 7s meet at Hathern when I had the locosaki, so it seems only fitting to come (back) to a locost meet in the 7! Just please don't throw anything (unless it's money - and the paper variety at that)

Anyway, barring work sticking it's unwelcome oar in I'll see you on Wednesday,



[Edited on 20/5/07 by benedict]

NS Dev - 21/5/07 at 07:07 AM

Caterhams welcome, no rocks to be thrown!!!!

We will be about 1/2 mile from the caterham mids dealers after all, and about 100 yds from parkers who prep enough of the damn things for racing lol!!!

Turns out I'm spannering for a brand new superlight-cosworth caterham that a friend is racing this year (he's just sold his Radical SR3 and going to something more "fun" )

Catpuss - 21/5/07 at 04:50 PM

Originally posted by benedict

However, I do understand that you're now required to throw rocks at me or something as a "miserable sod" as I've now got a Caterham

Nah, rocks are so 1990's, its burning torches and pitch forks now

skidude88 - 21/5/07 at 05:58 PM

Ben - technically we get paid for going

keith - 21/5/07 at 07:29 PM

we will be there keith & larry from tamworth (weather permitting) what time are we looking at? ok 7.30(where is my avatar picture)?

[Edited on 21/5/07 by keith] Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg
Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg

benedict - 21/5/07 at 07:31 PM

Originally posted by skidude88
Ben - technically we get paid for going
Do you think that means that we can put drinks on expenses and claim business mileage.


NS Dev - 21/5/07 at 09:08 PM

This is all sounding really good!! Can't wait to see everybody there!!

just sorted a few niggles on my machine too, so its tip top and ready (apart from having a bit of grp roadsign as a makeshift aeroscreen lol !!!! )

Cambelt tensioner was whining (even though it was new! ) so just put another newun on, and the throttle pot wasn't quite zeroed in right so there was a bit of a flatspot at very light throttle, now sorted too!

Ought to clean it now and get all the crap off it I suppose or you'll all be taking the pee

NS Dev - 21/5/07 at 09:10 PM


Catpuss - 22/5/07 at 04:50 PM

Anyone know if its nipper friendly in the evening as I may bring along Sparky Monkey if he fancies it.

NS Dev - 22/5/07 at 06:04 PM

Don't know I'm afraid, but there are a few tables outside so i can't see them objecting to that and I'd rather sit outside anyway!

ReMan - 22/5/07 at 08:10 PM
Sure can.
What's he like with a bucket and sponge?

benedict - 22/5/07 at 09:38 PM

The Bull's Head landlord / website wrote

Here you can...

- Drink good beer
- Eat
- Have easy access toilets
- Have easy access
- Sit in a no smoking area
- Sit outside
- Take my children

NS Dev - 22/5/07 at 10:02 PM


On a serious note, spoke to my mate earlier and he says childern no probs there, he's been there recently with his daughter

skidude88 - 22/5/07 at 10:47 PM

I'll try and remember to collect some stones on the way past Croft.

Perhaps - Nick and Gaz can help out too

.....some pointy ones, a couple of flats, and a packet of gravel?

Keith Weiland - 23/5/07 at 02:42 PM

Is this still happening tonight? Anyone feel like giving me a lift? I'll bring my tintop otherwise.

I am in Hinckley near Asda if anyone local is feeling charitable.

NS Dev - 23/5/07 at 03:18 PM

I can give you a lift if you want, i'm coming from Barwell, and should be on my tod!

Give me a call after 6 and we'll sort it out.

PS you'll need some good sunglasses or pref goggles or helmet as I have no screen on the car, I use moto-x goggles

[Edited on 23/5/07 by NS Dev]

[Edited on 23/5/07 by NS Dev]

flak monkey - 23/5/07 at 03:26 PM

Any body going from up Cov way and wanna give me a blat as a distraction from exams? Or indeed anyone fancying a detour I'll buy you a couple or cover petrol/whatever if needed.

Would be good to meet a few more 'locals' as it wont bee too far away when I get back home. Will need something to do until I start work!

[Edited on 23/5/07 by flak monkey]

Catpuss - 23/5/07 at 04:27 PM

If he wants to come along & I bring the nippers crash lid, anyone fancy scaring the bejesus out of him?

Keith Weiland - 23/5/07 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by NS Dev
I can give you a lift if you want, i'm coming from Barwell, and should be on my tod!

Give me a call on xxxxxxxx after 6 and we'll sort it out.

PS you'll need some good sunglasses or pref goggles or helmet as I have no screen on the car, I use moto-x goggles

[Edited on 23/5/07 by NS Dev]

Hey, thanks a lot NS Dev I really appreciate the offer but I told my better half about going and she wants to come along so will be driving the tin top.

BTW You might want to remove your number from the post above.

NS Dev - 23/5/07 at 05:18 PM

Yea suppose I should!!

No probs, actaully maybe just as well, just got home, and had a call from work that my development machine has fouled up in the hands of numpties, so not sure what time I will be back!!!

Should be able to make it, but may be late, not sure!

Annoying as I'd just said I would give Flakmonkey a lift over, and the call from work came in while I was on the phone to him!!!

anyway, should be there later, but can't give lifts now unless they are between coalville and the pub at some undetermined time!!

flak monkey - 23/5/07 at 06:27 PM

Not to worry Nat. Next time around (in a fortnight) my exams will all be over, so it'll be a celebration for me at least

Hope you managed to get it sorted reasonably swiftly.

Good luck tomorrow, sounds like you are going to be having a long day.


Keith Weiland - 23/5/07 at 09:14 PM

Not sure exactly who I met and who I didn't but I really enjoyed seeing all your cars and everyone was friendly. Hope the meetings continue until I get my car finished.

awinter - 23/5/07 at 09:14 PM

Great meet nice to put some names to faces, see you all in a couple of weeks if I don't break the car at curborough.

Thanks to NS Dev for organising it, don't know the final car count but at least 10 -15 and a few in T-tops


keith - 23/5/07 at 09:57 PM

hi to everyone, we made it !! well larry did,i turned up on the back of a tow truck(thank god for the r.a.c).only a collapsed front wheel bearing,nothing to drastic,thanks to matt and the guy in the fireblade for stopping will introduce my self properly next time,larry said the beer was great!!! Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg
Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg

ReMan - 23/5/07 at 10:05 PM

Well it happened and it was a great start!
Nice to see some made the effort to travel a way to get here, shame they did'nt all quite make it
I only took 3 pics as the carpark was a bit full of regular diners and drinkers, but here's 1 of them just to prove it happened.
Nice to meet some new faces, I look forward to seeing you all again and some more in a fortnight, or was it a month ? Well done Nat for doing the first post and getting it off the ground. Cheers all see you soon, Col (Reman) Rescued attachment meet.jpg
Rescued attachment meet.jpg

NS Dev - 24/5/07 at 04:55 AM

Was a great meet up last night, great to put faces to some names!!!

Nice turnout, you're never sure how many (if any) will turn out for these things and it was great to see a nice collection.

Same again on the 6th June

Sorry Catpuss that my car wasn't healthy or I would have given a ride out etc. The no.4 runner on my exhaust manifold decided to part company about 100yds from the pub, and driving was a bit noisy then!!

Will have it welded tonight and be back up to speed again!!

Great to see you all, see you on the 6th!!!!



NS Dev - 24/5/07 at 04:57 AM

Amusing bit was that the Tiger chap on the tow truck got them to swing through the pub car park on the way home, and it turned out the recovery driver was a chap I used to work with lol

cadebytiger - 24/5/07 at 09:02 AM

was great to meet up and see all your cars in the flesh or fiberglass. will try and get mine down for the next meet! My Dad had some photos so will post them when he mails them to me. (yes paul including your car chucking out steam on the way home )

See you all soon


NS Dev - 24/5/07 at 07:04 PM

Ahhh, thought I caught Paul up a bit quickly considering how long before me that he left and that I was not going that quick due to the knacked exhaust!! I was behind him in Kirkby mallory!

Catpuss - 24/5/07 at 08:07 PM

It was a good night, if a bit brief for me. Next time I'll either come in the tip top or cycle up to get the exersize. Its only about 6 miles from home so not too bad. Just a bit over walking distance for a mid week thing

It was amusing meeting Ben and recalling those hazy days down Sector 5.

car builder - 24/5/07 at 08:10 PM

hi all, was a good meet lastnight, was good to meet some like minded people.

reman any chance of posting the other pics you took?


Pdlewis - 24/5/07 at 08:14 PM

Yeah wasn't impressed!

Been and looked at it today and think the head gasket has gone turn it over and it fires water out the header tank :-( :-(

May be a while before im back on the road

keith - 24/5/07 at 08:18 PM

hi nat,just a quick line to say thanks again to you and re- man for stopping,the recovery driver was a great guy (chris),says he will come along in his scooby if thats ok,i told him as long as he doesnt mind being overtaken on his way by the rest of us (see you all 6th june)

[Edited on 22/05/07 by keith] Rescued attachment stoneleigh.JPG
Rescued attachment stoneleigh.JPG

flak monkey - 24/5/07 at 08:21 PM

Looks like you had a good turn out.

Hopefully I'll be there in a fortnight to put some more names to faces

benedict - 24/5/07 at 08:44 PM

Originally posted by Catpuss
It was amusing meeting Ben and recalling those hazy days down Sector 5.
Halcyon days indeed

Still it looks like the uni rock night is going to be every month now, so I'll get the date for June's one on Saturday and badger you into coming down

Anyway it was great to catch up with some people I haven't seen for far too long as well as some new and recent aquaintances, the venue was good and the weather did us proud
All that was missing really (for me anyway) was my sodding header-tank cap (Stupid bloody Caterham owner, can't even screw a pressure cap on )

Hopefully see even more in a fortnight,


cadebytiger - 24/5/07 at 10:38 PM

oh bugger! if you need a hand rebuilding then i will be about. woth checking the rest if you are going to pop the head off. lets hope you don't need to head skimming if you are close on clearance already.

Was good to see you


ps does it blow water out when cold?

Originally posted by Pdlewis
Yeah wasn't impressed!

Been and looked at it today and think the head gasket has gone turn it over and it fires water out the header tank :-( :-(

May be a while before im back on the road

NS Dev - 25/5/07 at 12:10 PM

Originally posted by keith
hi nat,just a quick line to say thanks again to you and re- man for stopping,the recovery driver was a great guy (chris),says he will come along in his scooby if thats ok,i told him as long as he doesnt mind being overtaken on his way by the rest of us (see you all 6th june)

[Edited on 22/05/07 by keith]

Hi Keith!!

Small world, i used to work with the recovery driver Chris, hence our chat when he was in the car park!!!

All are welcome, I hope to get a few other non locost petrolheads along as well!

Good luck with the wheel bearing!

NS Dev - 25/5/07 at 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Pdlewis
Yeah wasn't impressed!

Been and looked at it today and think the head gasket has gone turn it over and it fires water out the header tank :-( :-(

May be a while before im back on the road

Might have a pinto head gasket in the shed if yours is a 2.0?

I'll have a peep this afternoon

NS Dev - 25/5/07 at 05:16 PM

No, gasket has disappeared.

Still only £20 for a head set though and 3 hrs work as long as the head doesn't need skimming, which it shouldn't.

good luck, see you in a week and a half.

flak monkey - 31/5/07 at 06:02 PM

Next one on Weds 6th June? I.e. next weds?

[Edited on 31/5/07 by flak monkey]

NS Dev - 31/5/07 at 09:36 PM

Yep, certainly is!!!

keith - 4/6/07 at 07:01 PM

wheel bearing done,weather looks good,hope to make it this time. Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg
Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg

flak monkey - 4/6/07 at 07:04 PM

Well I hope to be along, all depends on getting a lift

skidude88 - 4/6/07 at 09:51 PM

Having just bought shares in Goodridge..

I'm hoping to get oil lines fitted tomorrow and be finally on the road for Wednesdays meet

Someone else had better turn up! (assuming I make it)

MikeR - 4/6/07 at 09:55 PM

i'll probably turn up in the tin top - you'll recognise me as the one drooling over the cars and crying in my pint.

2010 - i'll definately be finished by then.

Catpuss - 4/6/07 at 10:46 PM

I'll probably turn up on my mountain bike unless the small boy wants to come along too.

Well I've manged to loose near half a stone in a month so I have to keep the effort up

skidude88 - 4/6/07 at 11:00 PM

.....I've just shed £'s rather than lb's!

[Edited on 4/6/07 by skidude88]

Brooky - 5/6/07 at 11:51 AM

I will hopefully be there this time.

cadebytiger - 5/6/07 at 01:17 PM

nor sure if i will make it this time. It is the ladies buthday.

ReMan - 5/6/07 at 08:31 PM

I'll be there as long as I'm back from the big smoke in time and I can tell you that I'm a bit worried I may have a problem with the gearbox

[Edited on 5/6/07 by ReMan]

Catpuss - 5/6/07 at 09:16 PM

Oooh, whats appenin with it?

[Edited on 5/6/07 by Catpuss]

NS Dev - 6/6/07 at 12:27 PM



SEE YOU THERE FROM 7:30 PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

flak monkey - 6/6/07 at 12:55 PM

Anyone feel like giving me a lift tonight?

Nat was, but he has no spare seat now, and Mikes tight for time. Anyone fancy a detour to collect me from Cov? Would be nice to meet up with a few of you, and this is the last week I am in Cov.


PS sure theres a couple of drinks or petrol money in it if anyone can give me a lift.

ReMan - 6/6/07 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
I'll be there as long as I'm back from the big smoke in time and I can tell you that I'm a bit worried I may have a problem with the gearbox

[Edited on 5/6/07 by ReMan]

Sorry I missed y'all tonight I was still on the M25 at 7.15

(Paranoia hopefully about the slight change in click, or an impending doom )

[Edited on 6/6/07 by ReMan]

MikeR - 6/6/07 at 09:26 PM

You didn't miss much ......

10 cars,
someone starting a fire (after some people had left)
a comedy beer lorry
some git stole bens steering wheel
Nats bonnet had a bit of an incident
quite a few people took the mickey out of me
i took lots of pointless pictures

good night

flak monkey - 6/6/07 at 09:28 PM

No need to rub it in

benedict - 6/6/07 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
a comedy beer lorry

Edit: They have a website

[Edited on 7/6/07 by benedict]

NS Dev - 7/6/07 at 07:06 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
You didn't miss much ......

10 cars,
someone starting a fire (after some people had left)
a comedy beer lorry
some git stole bens steering wheel
Nats bonnet had a bit of an incident
quite a few people took the mickey out of me
i took lots of pointless pictures

good night

Mike missed out that he refused to come out for a run in the locost with me, despite the cajoling of pretty much everybody else there!!!!!! It's perfectly safe Mike!!!!!!!

Great to see the "green twins" as well, with the two green Tigers, they don't half have some road presence when driven around together, good to see everybody again, and great to see an ex Leicester autograsser as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MikeR - 7/6/07 at 03:34 PM

I am completely confident the car is safe, and as i said last night i'll happily go out in the car with either myself or your misses behind the wheel on the road or you on the track.

My issue is with who's normally sat behind the wheel when its on the road

Catpuss - 7/6/07 at 04:53 PM

By the way, for Ben, that Sikaflex dude is called Wayne he runs the ebay shop URL Owenyoursmiling

He is in Beaumont Leys and I've found him pretty decent for parts as well as sikaflex.

I just drop him the odd email via that. I've got his phone number too if you want it.

keith - 7/6/07 at 07:36 PM

hi, from the tiger twins,(that name could stick,makes us sound young )had a good time,even though the weather suddenly went from hot &sunny to dull and cold,good job we had a pint to keep us warm!!!we had a bit of a mad drive back terrorizing the law abiding drivers with 2 screaming ninjas(its not big and its not clever)but what a great buzz,didnt know if was shaking with cold or adrenalin,see you all soon. Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg
Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg

NS Dev - 20/6/07 at 07:04 AM

Everybody ok for tonight, or will I be there on me own?? !!

cadebytiger - 20/6/07 at 08:41 AM

Sadly will not be able to make it tonight. Bit of a busy week as i am taking friday off for goodwood.

And I think a ride in your car would only make me want to spend money on mine!! haha

Hope to see you soon.


awinter - 20/6/07 at 10:09 AM

I'll be there, may not be in the kit if I can't be ar5ed to get it out of the garage. having looked at the weather it may be a possibility.


ReMan - 20/6/07 at 11:35 AM

Weather permitting I'll be there tonight, I've told SWIMBO she can come with me, as long as she she brings her purse!

skidude88 - 20/6/07 at 04:05 PM

Can't make tonight - off to a gig in Brum

(can barely keep my eyes open now, fortunatly it should be loud!)

[Edited on 20/6/07 by skidude88]

Brooky - 20/6/07 at 04:54 PM

Got a meeting tonight, and no Mike its not the my name is Dave and I am an alcoholic type of meeting.

[Edited on 20/6/07 by Brooky]

keith - 20/6/07 at 05:05 PM

sorry lads the tiger twins cant make tonight due to illness in the family its not been a very good few days, see you in 2 weeks. Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg
Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg

NS Dev - 20/6/07 at 05:27 PM

ooh not many then tonight! Hope its not too serious tiger twins!

Will miss the green machines, see you in 2 weeks!

skidude88 - 21/6/07 at 04:00 PM

a couple of pics from the other week.

bulls head1
bulls head1

Thought I should include Catpus's bike, so he doesn't feel left out

bulls head2
bulls head2

NS Dev - 22/6/07 at 09:42 AM


that's a better pic of my car than I have, don't have any since I finished it!!!

MikeR - 25/6/07 at 02:36 PM

damn, i am going bald.........

my head that is, not tyres

NS Dev - 25/6/07 at 04:23 PM

I'm receding pretty well too!!

Doesn't look too good with me chatting over my car with a pint glass in my hand either

MikeR - 25/6/07 at 06:25 PM

but it was an empty pint you found in the car park. you are a good citizen and where returning it to the bar when someone waylaid you to ask questions, your honour.

ReMan - 4/7/07 at 06:16 AM

Sorry I'll be a no show this week due to holday comittments

NS Dev - 4/7/07 at 12:03 PM

Sorry folks, a no-show for me as well I'm afraid, no time this evening.

Not so bad I guess as the lovely summer weather is looking as cack as ever!

Catpuss - 4/7/07 at 05:18 PM

I've already skidded twice in SWMBO's tintop tonight just gently slowing down. The roads are very greasy.

If its not raining at 7 I may come along but I really don't want to take the tin top. I may just risk cycling again and getting very wet.

awinter - 18/7/07 at 01:57 PM

anybody going tonight, is it tonight, last one was the 4th. Are we still doing these every fortnight?

snippy - 18/7/07 at 04:12 PM

It should be on tonight going by the 2 weekly date. I`m hoping to pop over if the rain keeps away along with `Timbo` in his MK.

cadebytiger - 18/7/07 at 04:18 PM

sorry i am going to miss it again! Just way to busy at work at the moment. I will try my best to make the next one!

Hope you all have a good time and the rain holds off!


skidude88 - 18/7/07 at 05:20 PM

Now thats a bummer,

Must have just missed ya posting.

Checked earlier to see if this had been bumped, and there was nothing stirring.

Looks like I may have made other plans now....

Err...see what happens!

Catpuss - 18/7/07 at 05:32 PM

Well I've just got back from work. I can't get the motorcycle out of the garage.

So I guess I'll be cycling again

awinter - 18/7/07 at 05:58 PM

not going now had a crap day goig to eat steak instead with skidude88 and me better half. Not feeling too socialble. family dog went to doggy heaven with some help this afternoon

<not this one, she is alive and well

[Edited on 18/7/07 by awinter]

skidude88 - 20/7/07 at 10:13 AM

Sorry Nick that you where on your own

I'll be on-call in two weeks (unless I can try and swap Wednesdays, you'll see it'll be a scorcher!)

I've managed 0 miles in it since LeMans - due to this piggin weather (Oh and putting it back together)

At least she's ready to roll now.

We'll have to get the local MK's together and design wet weather gear!

Would have though that would be something they'd consider with the new
chassis!!! - Missed a trick there?

[Edited on 20/7/07 by skidude88]

skidude88 - 31/7/07 at 08:20 AM

Tomorrows Wednesday...

Weathers looking dry...

.......I'm on Call!

Before I try and swap - Is anyone up for tomorrow?

awinter - 31/7/07 at 11:44 AM

yes if i get me fuel problem sorted.


cadebytiger - 31/7/07 at 12:23 PM

sounds like a plan stan!

Weather is indeed looking good!

Brooky - 31/7/07 at 01:31 PM

Its in my plan for tomorrow.

ReMan - 31/7/07 at 07:09 PM

Yep I' be there all being well and the car might makeit too, last run before I strip the engine methinks

skidude88 - 31/7/07 at 07:40 PM

You've waited until the weathers got better.... before deciding on an overhaul???

... or has the engine decided for you?

[Edited on 31/7/07 by skidude88]

ReMan - 31/7/07 at 08:11 PM

Originally posted by skidude88
You've waited until the weathers got better.... before deciding on an overhaul???

... or has the engine decided for you?

[Edited on 31/7/07 by skidude88]

Sure has
4th gear unuseable, + clanky changes = Engine out. Double

skidude88 - 31/7/07 at 08:20 PM

Ive got a spare engine ? Tried and tested

skidude88 - 1/8/07 at 02:03 PM


Brooky - 1/8/07 at 02:36 PM

Change of plan, cant make it this time.

MartynV - 1/8/07 at 04:47 PM

Hi all,

I'm a new builder that is intending to come to the meeting tonight, looking forward to seeing some cars and picking some brains!

Should be in some of a locost.......that is the parts that are still attached to a mk1 Escort!!!


ReMan - 1/8/07 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by MartynV
Hi all,

I'm a new builder that is intending to come to the meeting tonight, looking forward to seeing some cars and picking some brains!

Should be in some of a locost.......that is the parts that are still attached to a mk1 Escort!!!


Excellent, the more the merrier, it may stay ry even!

snippy - 1/8/07 at 05:58 PM

Guys, I won`t be able to make it tonight so see you at the next one hopefully.

ReMan - 2/8/07 at 10:01 PM

Just as well really, humbled as we were in our "kitcars", by the Ultima Owners, Cateringvan drivers and Classis RS club

Just joking, it was a good evening, and nice to see some more new faces and wheels and my first Brum Brum in the driving seat of the Ultima(Cheers Gaz) Rescued attachment 100_0001a.jpg
Rescued attachment 100_0001a.jpg

awinter - 3/8/07 at 12:12 PM

Ahh theres me plate in front of Jame's indy, remembered I had left it there when I got home.

Nice to see everybody, James sorry I missed you had to go pick Karen up from the station, in the striker of course

cadebytiger - 3/8/07 at 12:16 PM

who owns the Ultima. A family friend had one of those but he got rid before i got a chance to have a ride.

skidude88 - 4/8/07 at 08:44 AM

Screen, roof & Aircon..

Next years trip to LeMans?

Just gonna check if my numbers came up in the EuroMillions........

......Dah! :O(

NS Dev - 7/8/07 at 12:48 PM

Sorry I missed the last one, should be up for next week though!!!

Anybody who can make it to the pub is welcome to a run out in a vauxhall engined car if they want as long as its sunny!

cadebytiger - 12/8/07 at 08:57 PM

is there a meet this wednesday? i have lost track.

MikeR - 13/8/07 at 05:32 PM

I can't make this week - got a much better offer

so that will be no vauxhall engined car present .... looks like you'll have to persuade Nat to take you out in a vauxhall engined death missle from hell (aka his toy car).

Nat, you might want to start a new thread so people see it on the front page of the forum.

skidude88 - 15/8/07 at 10:49 AM

I've taken my gear to work, but not looking like this evening is a go-er!

Popping down the library at lunch - there's a little known follow up book by Ron Champion -

"Build you own ARK for £250" - might get more use out of that!!!

[Edited on 15/8/07 by skidude88]

NS Dev - 15/8/07 at 05:47 PM

Bit harsh Mike, its not from hell, its from my garage

Looks shite tonight, yet again, think I need a copy of the book too.

Does it have the right dimensions for the masts and rudder, or do you need to check the real plans on a forum somewhere??

ReMan - 18/8/07 at 04:38 PM

Well, no pic this time , but in spite of the weather we had a Tiger, an MK a TVR and a Ferrari!
Maybe we drop the Locosters in favor of "Alternative"
Hope to see you all soon

snippy - 28/8/07 at 08:48 PM

Aiming to be at tomorrow nights meet as have missed the last couple or so. Looking forward to catching up. See you there chaps.

Catpuss - 28/8/07 at 09:06 PM

Nick. I just thought, its the 29th tomorrow so there won't be a meet as the first wed is the 5th.
Is there a meet on anyway? If not you can always pop round if you fancy or i can go round yours to pick up the bits

skidude88 - 29/8/07 at 11:42 AM

Anyone else? or is everyone going on it being next week?

snippy - 29/8/07 at 03:51 PM

It`s a 2 weekly meet, the last one was the 15th so the next one should be tonight. I`ve had e-mails off a couple of others who are definately going too in their cars so thats at least 3 of us going! I`m gonna be there for 7.00 to 7.15.

Catpuss - 29/8/07 at 05:02 PM

In that case so am I. I thought it was 1st and 3rd Wed of the month, cool. See you there.

ReMan - 29/8/07 at 10:14 PM

Roving reporter Reman here!
Crap picture I'm afraid, but who cares.
Good night tonight, 8 or more Se7ens, plus about 100 bikes, mainly Harleys but plenty others, Supercharged V8 pop, matt black 34 Ford, Catpuss's blue Ashtray and a big throbbing pink caddilac. Burger bar, music, beer, bare ladies (OK there was'nt any bare ladies), otherwise not bad for a Wednesday night

[Edited on 29/8/07 by ReMan] Rescued attachment 100_0059lb.jpg
Rescued attachment 100_0059lb.jpg

skidude88 - 30/8/07 at 10:21 AM







skidude88 - 10/9/07 at 02:08 PM

Cant make this week due to 'other' commitments.

Needless to say it'll be a glorious, sunny and warm evening!

Catpuss - 11/9/07 at 07:49 PM

Its tomorrow this week isn't it?

snippy - 11/9/07 at 08:28 PM

yep, I think you`re right, it`s tomorrow night. How quickly 2 weeks pass by....

snippy - 12/9/07 at 03:30 PM

can`t make tonight guys, something has come up, hopefully see you all at Donni on Sat.

ReMan - 13/9/07 at 06:52 AM

I did'nt make it due to work and beer committments.
I have my new job and I celebrated

skidude88 - 13/9/07 at 11:42 AM

New - "old" job?

ReMan - 13/9/07 at 08:08 PM

Originally posted by skidude88
New - "old" job?

That's the one

Vindi_andy - 19/9/07 at 12:27 PM

Right having just found this thread am i right in thinking the next meet will be 26 th if so i will try and get along in my tin top as I am still building but will be interesting to meet folks

snippy - 19/9/07 at 08:10 PM

Hi, yes next one should be on the 26th.

NS Dev - 23/9/07 at 09:12 PM

flipping hell its been ages since I've managed to get to the ruddy meet that I started!!!!!!!

Will be there this wednesday, come rain, shine or anything else, just hope I'm not on my own!!

skidude88 - 25/9/07 at 06:18 PM

I'll be keeping an eye out on the forecast - dry weather only!

Hoping to go - might just be last outing this year - Tax is due so prob SORN on Sunday - give this year up as a bad job.

Catpuss - 25/9/07 at 06:24 PM

I should be there on Wednesday. It was only me and a Robin Hood owner last week.

Still it was fascinating looking over his car.

Brooky - 26/9/07 at 10:03 AM

I cant make this week (again), the Mrs has decide we want to go away for a few days .
Nat you have a cheeky u2u.
And I will one day reunite you with your synchrometer, and mikes......

Catpuss - 26/9/07 at 06:21 PM

Well I'm going to put on some long johns and go there as its a bit nippy tonight.

ReMan - 26/9/07 at 09:38 PM

It was very nippy, and dark, and cold too.
and the Chopper club outdid us and the hot dogs were lovely and the crew cab pick up was amazing and this could get on the longest running threads in a month or so.I think the concensus is that we meet in a fortrniggt, but then drop it to once a month over the winter and to cold for most of you

phil.shelton - 26/9/07 at 10:03 PM

yep it was cold on way home and i got a screen. early in the month would be good for me as rhocar meet is at end on a wednesday as well

skidude88 - 27/9/07 at 12:13 PM

I have to confess....

Driving home @ 6 weather was great = yes Im defo going.....last outing

Then checked sunset = 18:55, it would be dark by the time I got over to the car!

No offence to anyone - but standing around in a dark, cold carpark didn't then appeal.

Sunday = SORN

So heat wave probably on the way?

Perhaps next year we'll manage a BBQ?

[Edited on 27/9/07 by skidude88]

ReMan - 28/9/07 at 12:33 PM

A bit of cold and ndark never hurt anyone

skidude88 - 5/10/07 at 04:17 PM

I've selflessly SORN (last week)... so everyone can have fantastic weather the whole of this weekend! (as predicted)

skidude88 - 10/10/07 at 12:24 PM

Is anyone going tonight? Debating to go - Will be in tintop if I do (also on call)

Catpuss - 10/10/07 at 05:49 PM

Yep I should. Not sure if I'm going by bicycle (for the exersize) or the tip top (for the lazyness).

Probably by tin top as I've just forgot I don't have lights for my cycle

Last meet was good because they had hot tomato soup and hot dogs on for the biker meet. Dead cheep and nice too.

There is always the Brantt Inn on the A50/A46 roundabout which is warm inside

ReMan - 10/10/07 at 06:48 PM

Sorry , only just got home
Don't mind the dark and cold but I have to do ane early morning to so, will see you next time ABW

Catpuss - 11/10/07 at 07:57 AM

It all went pear shaped for me on the way when the exhaust on the car started sounding like a panzer so I thought it best turn back in case I lost part of it down the road.

phil.shelton - 24/10/07 at 06:18 PM

whens next meet? is it tonight

ReMan - 14/2/08 at 09:34 AM

No It's too cold

phil.shelton - 10/4/08 at 07:12 PM

hi all does this meet still go on and is it still at pub on a47?

ReMan - 19/4/08 at 09:29 AM


ReMan - 14/5/08 at 12:35 PM

2008 kick off

NS Dev - 14/5/08 at 05:08 PM

Aha, that'll be this thread then!!!

See y'all later!!!

MikeR - 14/5/08 at 10:52 PM

if i'd remembered i'd probably have come, instead i made a sierra diff mount bracket.

(well its progress, slow progress but progress).

ReMan - 23/6/08 at 10:05 PM

What do you think?
I wil copy this into a new thread also and email the "locals".
For those of you who don't know the Chopper Club have the Bulls head booked for the last Wednesday in the month from now till September I think.
Now I like my bikes and it's great to have a bit of interest and something to see as well as a nice burger, but I feel that we might be pissing on their chips a bit by turning up the same night, particularly if there's more than both of us!!

Whats anyone else think?
Do we stagger our "meets" so we dont end up there together? ie swap to 1st and 3rd weds through the summer?
Move out to a different venue?
Change nights?
Have a word with the main man?
Ignore it?
As I said just a thought, bearing in mind too that the park can get a bit clogged with Polish lorry drivers on a god night too?

Any suggestions or thoughts

phil.shelton - 24/6/08 at 06:03 PM

waterside mountsorrel is rhocar meet if any of you want to come you would be welcome. If you do and fancy going in convoy ley me know I aim to get there for about 7.30 to 8.00 so leave wigston about 7.00 to 7.15

keith - 24/6/08 at 08:10 PM

HI ALL,just a note to say every tuesday at the bassetts pole inn/mcdonalds car park,very near sutton coldfield,tamworth,a38, j9 m42 ,there is a very popular and large gathering of bikers,the pub and mcdonalds have a very large car park in a secluded set back area,the tiger twins have been there a few times and had a very enthusiastic welcome,so you still have your burgers and beer,plus loads of bikes to look at,everyone goes to the central reservation to watch the wheelys and loonys lots of dual carriage way action ,worth a look

snippy - 25/6/08 at 02:08 PM


The A47 meet is nice and local but I got a bit pissed off last time we went with the gypo kids jumping in everyones cars. Why not try somewhere different for a change and see how it goes? Ansty Arms has been suggested in Ansty, Coventry, good place to start off as Ben suggests. We could even spread the meet around to different pubs each month to give people different routes there etc? I`m up for going tonight where ever it is, just got back from doing the 3 peaks challenge so need a beer! Just let me know time and venue. Laters….


ReMan - 25/6/08 at 05:59 PM

Just leaving work
ButI'm going to try the Ansty and have a pint on my own if nessesary

ReMan - 26/6/08 at 07:34 AM

Originally posted by keith
HI ALL,just a note to say every tuesday at the bassetts pole inn/mcdonalds car park,very near sutton coldfield,tamworth,a38, j9 m42 ,there is a very popular and large gathering of bikers,the pub and mcdonalds have a very large car park in a secluded set back area,the tiger twins have been there a few times and had a very enthusiastic welcome,so you still have your burgers and beer,plus loads of bikes to look at,everyone goes to the central reservation to watch the wheelys and loonys lots of dual carriage way action ,worth a look

Sounds worth a look Keith, only 1'2 hr or so too, let us know if your planning a trip, would be nice to be more than just me

skidude88 - 26/6/08 at 11:52 AM

I doubled last nights numbers!

skidude88 - 26/6/08 at 11:56 AM

Drove past Mill-on-the soar on the way back yesterday - Curry and a pint for £4.99.

(gotta be better than the nasty-pasty the Anstey Arms sold me)

....guess its a bit too close for Snippy

snippy - 26/6/08 at 01:41 PM

lovely grub in that there `Mill on Soar`! If we do a meet there I could come in my Sinclair C5!
Sorry I couldn`t make it last night, family crisis and all that.......see you all soon.

keith - 27/6/08 at 07:42 PM

hi reman will be there next tuesday,we park on the mcdonalds car park which is huge about 7.00,7.30, it gets busy so earlier the better there is also the pub car park and the service road its on the london rd b75 5sa at the large island on the a453/a38/a446 you cant miss it the pub is called the bassetts pole,if coming down the london road from tamworth its a sharp left at the island, from the m42 j9 you have to go round the island and back on yourself see you there ! Rescued attachment zzzzchecking_up.gif
Rescued attachment zzzzchecking_up.gif

ReMan - 30/6/08 at 09:41 PM

Can't promise due to work being all consuming, but will do my best.............

clairetoo - 30/6/08 at 09:45 PM

If I can find some petrol money I will try and get there...........still got mapping to do and could do with some where to go , rather than just driving around aimlessly.......

clairetoo - 1/7/08 at 09:16 PM

It was nice to meet some new faces tonight - shame about the weather though
Hope you all didnt get too wet going home (wheres the smug smiley when you need it...)

phil.shelton - 16/7/08 at 04:10 PM

is there a meet to night and if so is it still at pub on a47?

skidude88 - 22/7/08 at 06:42 PM

bump? Should be dry tomorrow!

[Edited on 22/7/08 by skidude88]

clairetoo - 22/7/08 at 06:49 PM

I'll be in Derby 'till 6 But I will try to be there (assuming we are talking about the pub on the A47 ? )

skidude88 - 23/7/08 at 02:24 PM

I doubled the turn out last time with just Colin <Reman>.

No offence to either of you (Colin then and you now) , but if that's all who's going I'll knock it on the head (& I'm pretty sure Colin is on his Hols)

ReMan - 30/7/08 at 12:49 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
What do you think?
I wil copy this into a new thread also and email the "locals".
For those of you who don't know the Chopper Club have the Bulls head booked for the last Wednesday in the month from now till September I think.
Now I like my bikes and it's great to have a bit of interest and something to see as well as a nice burger, but I feel that we might be pissing on their chips a bit by turning up the same night, particularly if there's more than both of us!!

Whats anyone else think?
Do we stagger our "meets" so we dont end up there together? ie swap to 1st and 3rd weds through the summer?
Move out to a different venue?
Change nights?
Have a word with the main man?
Ignore it?
As I said just a thought, bearing in mind too that the park can get a bit clogged with Polish lorry drivers on a god night too?

Any suggestions or thoughts

Well I'm up for a ride out tonight if it stays fine, but as mentioned before, I don't think the Bulls head is the place tonight due to the Chopper squad being there?
I know the Mill on the Soar was mentioned so I might aim for there 8.00ish any takers?

ReMan - 19/3/09 at 11:28 PM


NS Dev - 10/4/09 at 07:07 PM

Aha, good reminder!!!

Who's up for Mill on the Soar then, or any other venue suggestions and date ideas.

skidude88 - 21/4/09 at 01:58 PM


Should be taxing this weekend & planning 1st shake down - So say cheerio to this good weather!

Hopefully ready for Stoneleigh! (anyone here going?) and any pending meets thereafter.

I see you're inundated with replies.

My lot have all chucked it in (Ben & Martin are now tin-tops only & Allan's emigrated to Devon - Arp!)

Vindi_andy - 21/4/09 at 03:49 PM

Got My SVA thursday but doubt I will be making it to stoneleigh even if I pass i think 2 weeks is a little optomistic for reg.

Will be at stoneleigh anyway on the Monday will be the one wearing the orange T shirt or Orange hoody depending on the weather

snippy - 21/4/09 at 07:21 PM

Hey James,
I heard Ben had sold up, pity. Me & Reman managed an outing last week. we`re up for Stoneleigh as are a few others. Be in touch.